When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.
- Henri...

Why so glum, Antonin?
What the hell is he wearing?!
It looks like a hat a medieval cardinal would wear.



Why so glum, Antonin?

What the hell is he wearing?!

It looks like a hat a medieval cardinal would wear.

  1. the-irish-incendiary reblogged this from youre-no-bruce-villanche-blog
  2. supershrug reblogged this from voirdire and added:
    I don’t think Justice Scalia’s face can help it. “Glum” is the default setting.
  3. underscorex reblogged this from siphersaysstuff and added:
    Scalia looks like MAD Magazine drew him. Also, what is that hat he’s wearing? It looks like he put one of those earflap...
  4. chornijvoron reblogged this from eastberlin and added:
    lol u mad Scalia?
  5. tranmann-blog-blog reblogged this from youre-no-bruce-villanche-blog
  6. rototudor reblogged this from hikergirl and added:
    Scalia is a Medici. I knew it.
  7. andrewg616 reblogged this from inothernews
  8. moocowmoocow reblogged this from inothernews and added:
    He seriously looks like a 16th century cleric.
  9. groverwhorequist-blog-blog reblogged this from inothernews
  10. voirdire reblogged this from inothernews and added:
    Plus, inquiring legal minds want to know if this is the robe Sonia always wears. Pleat-free and stylin’! Must research.
  11. thewinsley reblogged this from inothernews
  12. inothernews posted this