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In the quiet

The quiet times in life, when everything is steadily moving on, are the best. Some live for busy, action packed lives, which can be good, but I enjoy the simpler seasons.

When everything is crazy, it’s hard to hear everything and everyone and so many things can get lost in translation. But when the loud voices cease, you can then hear the quiet ones. And so many times, the still small voices are the most powerful.

Also, it’s only when we can tune our ears to hear in the quietness, can we familiarize with it when things get loud.

When things are quiet for me, I can hear His words so much louder, especially in Scripture. And in these times, I learn the most. These are the times when we can search out the riches of His truth since we are not distracted. And so much growth can be had.

And here, reading the book of John, it has been so invigorating for me. I can quietly sit and hear the words of Christ as He teaches or as He prays. And I can leave my home filled with joy and the Spirit because I began the day with Him. As the light shines on the Gospel through these pages, I find myself reminded of His power, His wisdom, His assurance, and judgment this time around. And though these words are not the most pleasant of words, I find myself growing in comfort with these reaffirmations since these words help our understanding of Him. And they are all for good. So many times He affirms our inability and then shows us His ability. He tells us that we are chosen and that it was not due to merit but instead, love. Honestly, I don’t know if I would have read this book in the same way if I had been going through a different kind of season. And for that, I’m thankful.

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