makeupaddicted14-blog-blog asked: Hi!! What kind of advice would you have for someone who is just starting a makeup log? :) Thanks!

I get this question quite a bit so I thought i’d touch on some things that seem to be working for me :)

  1. Quality over quantity. Personally, I prefer answering a few questions a day that I really take my time on and go in depth rather than answering a bunch of questions a day with shorter answers. This way I can add pictures, prices, descriptions, etc. I also like to do a little research before I answer a question so I can give accurate info cause sadly I don’t know everything! lol 
  2. Keep updated on new products, new makeup techniques, makeup trends, etc because people will come to you for advice so you want to make sure you’re “up with the times” and giving the people what they want. You can do this by checking other makeup blogs (I do!), watching youtube videos, following big makeup brands on social media, etc.
  3. Find out what your followers like. For example I like to see what posts of mine get the most notes/attention so I can get a gist of what people like and want to see. 
  4. Make your blog pretty! I’d suggest keeping your blog theme neat, organized and clean so people can focus on the content. I paid for my theme because some of the free or cheaper themes can look a little less “professional” but it’s really personal preference!
  5. Queue your posts (if you use tumblr). I don’t always have time to update my blog so i’ll spend a couple hours making posts for the next day or doing it in the morning, etc and queue them so they post periodically through out the day. This way I don’t flood people with posts all at once and more people can see you content since different people are viewing your blog through out the day.

Again, this is what seems to be working for me so I’m not sure if this is the “right” way but hopefully you have a little more insight on how to start up and run your blog :)

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