beerbeli-deactivated20150104 asked: I have so many questions ughh where do I start lol I just need emergency help on makeup. I'm a newbie at it ):

For any newbies out there i’d recommend just taking a browse through my makeup tips/skincare tips links on the top of my page! I’ve made quite a few posts in the past few years on topics like filling in brows, applying foundation, must have brushes, etc. A whole bunch of basic makeup tips! So you can learn the makeup basics by just taking a read through the links :)

I also try to answer questions daily so hopefully you can learn a little bit from me day by day! 

I’d also recommend taking it slow! One of my mistakes as a makeup newbie was wearing too much makeup too fast when I really didn’t know anything. Start off with mascara and bb cream and slowly add in eyeliner, blush, bronzer, etc. This way you can really master one thing at a time. Just a tip :)

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  2. thedixiewolf said: Brilliant advice.
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