khaleesimemaybe-deactivated2017 asked: I don't know if you have this problem, but I get really bad cystic acne from time to time, so I'll attack with an arsenal of acne medications. However, while it's health, the skin around the zit gets really dry. Any advice on how to the dryness before adding foundation?

I used to get pretty bad cystic acne as well and going on birth control really helped for me because it helps balance your hormones. So thats just something to think about if you think you may have hormonal acne :)

As for battling the dryness, make sure to exfoliate and moisturize with a  rich, cream moisturizer. Exfoliating will scrub away the actual dry flakes, patches to make the area smooth while the moisturizer will keep it that way and prevent it from becoming dry again. A great affordable option is Cetaphil’s Moisturizing Cream (not the lotion, that one is more light weight). Don’t be afraid to apply a generous amount where your skin is dry especially at night.

Also, I wouldnt recommend using too many acne products. They can be pretty harsh on the skin and if you mix the active ingredients like sulfur with benzoyl peroxide it can have some harsh side effects. Choose one active ingredient that works for you. You might want to google which active ingredient is best for different types of acne. When I break out I LOVE using spot treatments because they fight acne but arent applied all over the face like a harsh acne face wash so the rest of my skin isnt dried out, only the pimple. Clean & Clear and Clinique make my favorite spot treatments :)

Last tip, pat/press the foundation and powder on over dry areas. This won’t “disturb” the dry area like rubbing which can cause the dry flakes to look worse and become more noticeable! 

  1. pour-des-raisons said: I used to get cystic acne very badly when I was younger, and I used Mario Badescu’s Buffering Lotion on them. It helped a lot; usually, the spot started to clear-up in days, and I could treat it like a regular zit.
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