Starbucks will soon be selling beer and wine at more stores. (via USA TODAY)

Starbucks will soon be selling beer and wine at more stores. (via USA TODAY)

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  4. immichelleramirez-blog reblogged this from usatoday and added:
    Beer, wine and Starbucks! Do they have a time limit on how long you can stay?
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  11. cgav8r reblogged this from usatoday and added:
    Alcohol + free wifi=Increased drunken texting and/or blog posts.
  12. tooltoybox reblogged this from usatoday
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  14. misscharlotte11 reblogged this from usatoday and added:
    Don’t like
  15. coffeewriter88 reblogged this from usatoday and added:
    Great! my two loves together…Coffee and Wine. :)
  16. beverly1life reblogged this from usatoday and added:
    Well, good luck on closing. All Night, you will never get people out.
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