In the 1960s, two in three Americans called themselves Protestant. Now the Protestant group has slid down to 48%. Where did they go?

In the 1960s, two in three Americans called themselves Protestant. Now the Protestant group has slid down to 48%. Where did they go? 


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  1. zinderud reblogged this from usatoday and added:
    WASP gittikce kayboluyor galiba, P'den erimeye baslamis.
  2. donquixotetothemax reblogged this from usatoday
  3. civisorbisterrarum-blog reblogged this from usatoday and added:
    um, what about the jews, muslims, and anything other than christians or none?
  4. 17piecesofhappiness reblogged this from usatoday
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