October 7, 2013
Mocktober Horror Special: Ken Ramos and Melissa Pleckham of Black Lullabies


Black Lullabies are terrifying. Their shows and songs are fog drenched trips into a dark abyss full of tingling guitars, primal drums and ghostly vocals. The husband and wife duo comprised of Ken Ramos (Hexham Heads) and Melissa Pleckham (Hexham Heads / Kissing Cousins) are also huge fans of Halloween and classic horror movies! Check out their suggestions for first time horror viewers and more!

What’s your favorite horror movie and why?
John Carpenter’s HALLOWEEN, 1978. I just think it’s so elegantly creepy and autumnal. It is the perfect movie for my favorite time of year.


What’s the WORST horror movie you’ve seen?
Probably the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. I’m not against all remakes (I really liked Rob Zombie’s Halloween, actually, and the Fright Night remake, and Toolbox Murders…I could go on) but I don’t think the people behind the TCM remake understood the tone of the original, or the fact that it’s a modern horror classic.


For people who are unfamiliar with horror movies, which would you suggest they start with?
If you’re squeamish, I suggest starting with something that is spooky and creepy but not gory, like The Haunting (1963).


What’s your favorite scary movie tune?
The theme music from Halloween is great, obviously. Rosemary’s Baby, with that black lullaby sung by Mia Farrow

 from The Lost Boys. 

If you could be any classic monster, what would it be? I would love to be Dracula, that dapper gent.


Any tips for Halloween?
Dress up. Raise the dead. Wreak havoc.

Check out Black Lullabies’ creepy crawly tunes over at SoundCloud!

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