1. jodorowsky marilyn manson

    J: You, Manson, you are a symbol. You always wear make-up, no-one knows who you are… Christ is a man who became a symbol, you are the opposite. You are a symbol who is in the process of becoming human. When you say ?Eat Me, Drink Me’, you prove your love for the world. You offer yourself… you are food for the vampire cannibals. That’s what I feel. Talking about you personally: you are a mythology, but back to front. Each new era needs new mythologies…

    M: I completely agree. You understood that so much better than anyone… yes.

    J: To express ourselves as artists in the world, we can no longer destroy it. It is ourselves that we have to destroy.

    Full Story: End and End

    For more on Jodorowsky, check our our dossier.

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