September 26, 2014

Anonymous asked: I'm unclear as to why the republicans voted against equal pay...




because they don’t believe in it plain and simple lol 

Because it was something that the black man in the Oval Office wanted, and they hate him so much that they’ll destroy the entire United States and everyone living in it before they would ever vote for anything he supports.

Both of those things. But just as importantly, being “conservative” means opposing any change in the established hierarchy.

That’s what conservatism has always been about. If you’re on top, conservatism aims to keep you there.

Believe it or not, that has a daily impact on everyone else.

  1. firagastorm reblogged this from blairstenvick
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  4. eviltessmacher reblogged this from polyscinerd and added:
    Point taken. Perhaps I was oversimplifying a bit. ; )
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  6. polyscinerd reblogged this from disheveledwisdom and added:
    Much as I harp on Republican racism eviltessmacher, I think you’re underestimating the misogyny and male supremacy...
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    And they’re stuck in a frame of mind where the woman should still be at home taking care of the kids and husbands but...