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Grad School Application Season:

So at first you’re all…

Let's do this

but then by November you’re like…

Why are you doing this to me, myself?

but you get them sent off and then you’re all…

Guys?  GUYS?????

of course once March rolls around you’re more like…


and every time your email inbox dings you’re like…


Bon courage, grad school applicants!  Our fingers are crossed for you!  And by the summer hopefully you’ll be more like…

Magical Unicorn of Awesome

  1. is-it-naptime-yet reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory
  2. arcangelus reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory
  3. exmac reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory and added:
    Glad, that’s over…for now.
  4. pffnhsr reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory and added:
    When this was first posted I thought it was hilarious. Now it makes me want to cry. (Definitely in the fourth stage.)
  5. ennezed-blog1 reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory and added:
    Accurate. Guess this what I have to look forward to?!
  6. alongtheriverrun reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory
  7. charloween reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory and added:
  8. maliciousways reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory
  9. hellomelena-blog reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory
  10. schmlip-scribble reblogged this from whatshouldwecallarthistory and added:
    This is so freakin true I can’t even stand it.
  11. whatshouldwecallarthistory posted this