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Sometimes a Wild God…

Wow. Sometimes a Wild God surely is roaming about the internet at the moment. Which is bloody marvellous - I love that those words are out there stirring souls and causing weird dreams and all…


If you share written work, a credit to the author’s generally considered polite (which is to say - for those who find nuance a little tricky: if you don’t credit me, it’s shit.)

Of course, there’s nothing I can do about it, and I’d much rather you shared my work than you didn’t, but just put ’by Coyopa’ or ’by Tom Hirons’ somewhere, eh? Because, one day, in the not-too-far-away-future, chances are I’ll be putting this piece into book-form with illustrations by the amazing Rima Staines. When I do, I want the world to know, and I want the world to connect that work with me and with Rima so that we can earn a few pennies here and there from it to keep the wolf from the door (as it were), plain and simple, and you can help me prepare for that by crediting me in your tumblr post or your facebook post or whatever. Okay? Okay.

Thanks. We’re good. Onwards!


  1. bearspeaks posted this