“ Happy birthday, Esther Earl. Your beauty as a person and nerdfighter continues to astonish all of us. Thank you for making John and Hank say “I love you,” to each other on this day each year, and in turn reminding all of us to...


Happy birthday, Esther Earl. Your beauty as a person and nerdfighter continues to astonish all of us. Thank you for making John and Hank say “I love you,” to each other on this day each year, and in turn reminding all of us to appreciate the loved ones in our lives to the fullest. You may have been just another teenager with an addiction to the internet like all the other nerdfighters out there, but your loss is always felt in our community. You said once that you believe that the dead live on in the memories and lives of the those they had touched; well, Esther, you have touched every person in the most awesome community on the planet and you will continue to live on in all of our lives as long as Nerdfighteria exists. Rest in Awesome. August 3, 1994-August 25, 2010

Happy Esther Day to all of our followers. We love you more than you will ever know.

30 notes


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