Plans for a Healthy December


Well what do you know, it’s suddenly December! This is typically the month ushered in by a long weekend of Thanksgiving indulgences.  The holiday food coma plus cold weather (that welcomes puffy jackets and thick sweaters) plus new year resolutions still a bit away, motivation is at an all time low. This year instead of putting off a healthy refresh until January 1, I’m kick starting it right now. I know I’m generally healthy all year long but just like everyone else my desire to stay on track ebbs and flows.

I was reading Charlie’s What Are You Waiting For post and share similar sentiments. Why put off being your healthiest self for another 31 days? Wouldn’t it better to jump right into 2016 feeling your best? 

Fortunately, I have a mini motivator right now, my brother’s wedding next weekend. This has me committing to healthy habits for at least the next two weeks so I can feel good for that, then plan to carry that feeling right on through to the new year. 

Yes, there will be holiday parties to tempt me, and I will give in here and there, but overall, I’m leaning towards the healthier side of things, instead of my typical December slip. I’m all for new year’s resolutions so you can expect a few from me later this month, but I’m looking forward to going into it already feeling healthy and strong.

With just two weeks between Thanksgiving and my brother’s wedding, what’s a girl to do? I’m getting back to my lean Paleo ways, with an emphasis on veggies and lighter meals. In addition, I’m amping up my workouts with a ton of group fitness at Equinox (more on that later) plus I’m giving Kayla Itsines’ BBG program a go (more on that later as well!).

I always keep track of my workouts via a calendar on my desk. Here’s a look at November. 


A bit all over the place if you ask me. I can’t believe I didn’t workout on a single Saturday all month! I can provide a long list of excuses for my skipped days, but instead of dwelling on that, let’s look to the new month. December, I’m ready for you!

Every Monday I’ll give you a glimpse at the previous week and how it went.

What goals do you have for December? How are you going to make them happen?

*image via

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  1. shapinup posted this