all the world's a stage
and all the men and women merely players




people whose pov should be more explored/analysed/understood/sympathized with, devoid of any relation to the male(s) in their lives: 

  • nymphadora tonks
  • nymphadora tonks
  • nymphadora fucking tonks

Things I want to know:

  • How old was Tonks when she started to refuse to answer to Nymphadora
  • What was the earlier form of her patronus
  • Why did she want to be an auror
  • her favourite subject
  • did she play Quidditch
  • how old was she when she first rode a broom
  • what was the first magic she did
  • her favourite colour
  • her favourite food
  • how many times did she end up in the hospital wing
  • did she like muggle movies
  • did she like to read books
  • was she any good at drawing

my tonks was def a beater, not agile enough to be a seeker, too clumsy to be a chaser, so being a beater was perfect, although i have a feeling she would often let go of her bat accidentally

and i think her fave subject was transfiguration just because mcgonnagall would have loved her and asked her a lot of questions about her metamorphing abilities

May 19th | 392 notes | Reblog
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