First-in-Family at Deakin

Disclaimer: Materials and information contained here are intended as part of Deakin's 'First in Family' Project. Posts within this blog are maintained by Student Ambassadors and reflect their views and opinions, not those of Deakin University. If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us below.


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I need more time.

Sometimes, life gets in the way of studying. Really unexpected events or illnesses can cause you to get behind on your assignments, and it can be tough playing catch up. Don’t feel bad to ask for help if you need it.

In the last three years I haven’t had much affect me to the point of not being able to finish my essays or assessments in time, up until recently. I suffered a loss in my family, and it’s been tough keeping up. Luckily, the staff at Uni have been very understanding. I wrote to my Unit Chairs for the subjects I’m undertaking at the moment, and I’ve found that they’ve been very helpful. It’s also made me realise that it is in fact okay to ask for help, such as in the form of an extension or special consideration. Something I did not have a clue as to how to do.

That brings me to the point of this little post - if you’re at Deakin and you need this kind of help, here’s where you can find it; in each Unit guide (something I had never fully read), there is actually a section regarding the extension process and special consideration. [It differs slightly for each faculty, I only have access to the Health forms]. These sections link you here (health specific) & here (any faculty) respectively, where they explain any forms you may need to fill out or extra requirements, say if you have a medical condition that has affected your studies.

I’m sure other Uni’s have support for students as well, so it’s worth looking into wherever you may be.

Don’t be afraid to speak up - it’s okay not to be okay, just don’t rough it out alone. And don’t wait too long to let someone know that you’re having a rough time, mostly they can help but not the day before exams. Now would actually be the perfect time.

Hope you’re all well, but if you’re not we’re here for you too.



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