
I just finished a new zine for Chicago Zine Fest. You can buy it online now if you’re interested! 3 bucks plus shipping.

This is Issue #3 of an annual series of comics collections!

I drew all of these comics throughout the year 2013 for various things, and wanted to see them all in one place and in print. This includes a selection of pages from a 280 page book I put out in 2013 called Little Fish.

Everydaypants #3 is filled with short comics about music, diy, nannying, and going to college when I was 18.

It also includes a selection of commissions I did during 2013 and a collection of pet portraits.

This is 46 pages, black and white, and saddle stitched!

Please note: comics that appear in this also appear in The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (nanny zine), As You Were issues 1 and 2, a comic from Draft Dodger #1, and pages from Little Fish. If you have all or some of these things, this will mostly be a repeat for you. Thanks!

Go here to purchase:

Or you can just email me at everydaypants@gmail if you would rather buy it through email/paypal.

10 years ago 62 notes URL


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    Ooh a new comic collection from Ramsey Beyer, one of our Kickstarter reward bundle contributors. Check it out!
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