Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



Anonymous asked: hi :) first I'd like to say great blog!!! i love it!! so here's the thing... I've been with my boyfriend for 6 months now and i LOVE him and he loves me BUT he's a bit shorter than me. I'm like 5"5 (average) and he's like 5"4.5 (again average cuz I'm not sure) and when I'm in total flats it really doesn't show in fact he looks taller o.O but people are are starting to bring me down about it. what should i do? :(

Don’t let them bring you down! How would you feel if his friends were saying the same about you? It’s unfair to treat someone a certain way just because they are short, what a silly thing. Try to remember that people who try to bring you down only do it to make themselves feel better. Appreciate your man for who he is and how he treats you, that’s all that truly matters!