March 31, 2011
Two months on T (2.5g testim/day)

Layout ideas stolen from Avery

Physical changes:

Facial hair - I shaved this morning with a pretty sharp razor and have what feels like stubble already. You can also notice the fine hair on my face where the razor missed (and how the hell do you shave that awkward bit on your upper lip). I’m planning to shave regularly for the next couple of months and then start growing it when there’s something to grow.

Body hair - I practically defined hairless pre-T. My lower legs are pretty hairy now, and getting there around the back. I’m covered in far more fine hair and it’s darkening. My snail trail is visible in the mirror now. I think my legs look okay for a lad my age. My arm hair has darkened a lot, I’m hoping it’ll thicken more as well and hide my scars a little.

Muscle definition - It takes almost nothing for my muscles to appear a bit more defined, especially on my arms. I’ve been doing regular situps and pressups for a few days, and it’s starting to show. When I started out I couldn’t do ten knee based pressups in a row, and now I can do twenty non-stop. After writing this post I’m gonna try and do 5 full pressups, rest, 5 knee, rest, 5 full, rest, 5 knee, rest. I do 20 pressups and 20 situps every morning and evening that I have the spoons. I’ve lost some weight since starting T, without watching my diet, and have put on quite a bit of muscle. My shoulders are broader, according to my partner, making my hips less noticeable.

Spots - I’ve had one or two spots but nothing abnormal as yet.

Libido - It’s settled a lot since one month on T, it’s more than it used to be but I’m getting used to it and to new ways of jerking off that take my cock into account.

Hunger - I’ve not really noticed an increase in hunger at all

Cock growth - It gets pretty hard and has grown a lot. I very much enjoy using it to jerk off now that I can.

Voice - My voice is cracking and breaking in earnest now, as you’re starting to be able to hear in the recordings I’m trying to post quasi-regularly. I’m really happy about this, it was the change I was most nervous about in many ways, because it felt like the least reversible, but in actuality it’s working out pretty well for me.

Period - I had one when starting T, and haven’t had one since. I’m really glad because I’d heard a lot of guys had theirs continue on gel, and I really didn’t want that, so I’m thrilled.

Emotional changes:

Aggression - I’ve not really been getting aggressive, but I have been getting angry, which to me is very different. I’m trying to work through some pretty heavy anger issues though, so I’m okay with being angry for a while, I understand it.

Crying - I’ve not really noticed much difference in this, I cry slightly less maybe but not especially. I’m glad about that because I do find that it’s a good release.

Mood swings - Swings? Darling they’re rollercoasters. Nonetheless, I’m accepting of that, they’re certainly nothing new!


I’ve very rarely failed at passing. People read me as a bloke, and treat me that way, and assume girls I’m with are my girlfriends, and such. At the hospital today I had to take my binder off, and the nurse’s eyes fell out on stalks. I’m really pleased with how much better I’ve passed. My hairline’s changed slightly and my face has thinned, both of which are probably contributing.

I’m still on the same dose of 2.5g testim per day - 25mg testosterone

Other comments:

Changes to dosage - I’ve just had my bloods done, and will find out my levels and if they need to be upped next week. I feel like they do. I know that sounds odd, but I feel like my dose is a bit low in myself. They won’t be upped til the end of May even if they need it though.

Sustanon vs Nebido and T-gel - I feel like my changes have proceeded at a good pace, and I’m really happy with them. I can’t take sustanon or nebido due to a peanut allergy and a high chance of castor allergy, so yeah, I have no complaints.

Family - I’ve come out to my granddad, which went really well. My parents know I’m on hormones.

Body image - I feel so much more confident. My trangst has moved to my hips, the rest I can cope with at the moment, but overall I’m so much happier with my body now.

12:29am  |   URL:
Filed under: daylog week8 month2 
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