a dull and witless boy

"He likes to read books written for girls
Prides himself on being a man of the world
In the darkest of places he gets his thrills
He will disappoint you if you see through his perfect smile"

Books Written For Girls
Camera Obscura

A song everyone says is about me. Not entirely sure that's a compliment.
Callum. Twenty-Seven.
INFP, published writer, fortean, loner, Capricorn, cynic, sarcasm fluent, socialist, Catholic, girl-drink-drunk, Morrissey-obsessed, SJW, opinionated, well read, mentally ill, recovering, ne'er do well.

About Me
A girl once offered to sleep with me on the condition I never played her anything by Leonard Cohen ever again. My favourite band is They Might Be Giants. My favourite TV show is The X-Files. I hate my food touching and eat it all separately. I only eat white chocolate, I'm not keen on milk or dark. I only added this bit in because people complained my description didn't say enough about me.

Currently Reading:
Red Dragon - Thomas Harris
(updated July 7th 2018)


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This is why the ship works. It’s one out of respect, and recognition of each other’s needs. Scully constantly fears that she isn’t wanted or needed, but Mulder considers it his duty to let her know her worth. And when he’s self - destructive, and self-loathing, she reminds him of his humanity and good qualities. It’s a relationship of mutual respect and caring for each other
And you can see from the smile that even his little utterance showing that he needs her is appreciated. And it’s what keeps them together

(via ohdanascully)


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