Door Number Three

Patrick O'Leary's new novel "51" TachyonPublications Patrick O'Leary

Portrait of an Artist from gnarly bay on Vimeo.

This year, gnarly bay has a new project in the works that will require you to get involved. We have been working on a concept that will ultimately lead to an online video series, shot and filmed around the world. Our hope is to connect and collaborate with fellow film makers, and create a show that is completely unique…and take our videos to the next level.

Our first step is to create a pilot, which shows the style and technique we plan to use…. The pilot will revolve around a very basic concept….“talent.” We are currently in the search for talented people throughout the world, that have a true passion for what they do. This can be absolutely any type of talent, as long as they truly love what they do. The more interesting, the better. This video is the closest example we have of what this may look like…but is just an example for now…. We will choose 3 - 4 people to profile for this pilot, as we continue to flesh out our concept and finalize our technique. And this is where you come into play…

We NEED HELP finding our first subjects to film, and are completely open to suggestions. If we choose someone located near you, we will contact you with hopes of meeting up and working together on filming this person. As the project unfolds, collaboration will spread from help with filming, to all aspects of post production, including design, music, graphics, ect….bascially pooling all sources of “talent” from around the world to create the best video possible…so this is a first step, to get the ball rolling.

Our first priority for talent will be anywhere in the UK….we will be in and around London from Wednesday, March 30th through Wednesday, April 6th….and we do not want to leave without filming our very first subject. So please contact us with any thoughts or ideas you may have….even if it is in Ireland, Scotland, where ever….if it is cool, we will make it happen….

Second priority will be someone anywhere in the US, and then someone anywhere else in the world….we are funding this completely out of pocket, so travel will be a concern….but if it is unique enough and inspirational, we will figure out a way to make it happen.

So please contact us, and help us get this ball rolling…we want to collaborate with you, and make something truly great.

The first way to contact us would be to simply comment on this video….any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Second way to contact us would be to send us a personal message on vimeo…

and the third way would be to look us up on facebook and post a comment on our wall.

If you have read this far, I thank you so much for your time, and hope you have an awesome day. Hopefully someday we will meet up and work together. Thanks!

gnarly bay.