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Social icons by Tim van Damme



Dancing Shoes

I went to the Katy Perry concert last week.  I was pretty shocked by how many young fans she has. I mean who knew considering her music has some pretty adult themes.  I was very impressed by her ability to play a sweet Disney Princess character for her young fans and then go straight into a a more sexual, adult character.  But, beyond that one of my favorite things about her is that she wears actual dancing shoes to perform.  I have always wondered how these performers dance in their sky high stilettos.  It seems virtually impossible to me. So this is what Beyonce wears to perform:


I could never walk, let alone dance in shoes like those.  And here is Katy Perry in her shoes that are actually made for dancing:





I don’t know why this sort of made me like her more, but it did.  -MEG

PS.  The worst thing ever happened yesterday, I was supposed to meet Tash at the Phoenix airport for some layover fun while she is jaunting around.  I got sick and couldn’t go!  I just felt terrible and was so sad to miss some time to see her and Kate.  I had planned to guilt her back into contributing to MESH, but my sickness derailed my plan.  So keep your fingers crossed she will one day return!

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