“ circlebutt:
“ helpihavedementia:
“ brogigayo:
“ ticktaec:
“ tyleroakley:
“ My body is ready.
I know it’s mashed potatoes and gravy but is it bad that I thought it was ice cream and caramel?
…it is ice cream and caramel
why would...







My body is ready.

I know it’s mashed potatoes and gravy but is it bad that I thought it was ice cream and caramel?

 …it is ice cream and caramel

why would anyone put mashed potatoes and gravy in an apple

fucking what


Y’all bullied someone straight off tumblr bc of mashed potatoes lmao

Reblogged 9 years ago with 760,087 notes via indolica
Source: skrink-la-da-doo
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