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One Fine Day

<em>I will remember this day forever..</em>

Hari ini secara tidak sengaja sebenarnya sangat meaningful. Berawal dari niat refreshing sekaligus mau simulasi perjalanan dari RC ke Tamcit dgn naik kereta commuter line, aku dan @bungyoso siang ini pergi ke tengah kota berdua saja ala pasangan pacaran.

Perjalanan dimulai dengan lari di stasiun ngejar kereta dan lompat masuk sedetik sebelum pintu kereta ditutup! Baru berangkat aja udah seru banget!

Notice nggak cuaca hari ini indah banget? Clear blue sky, white clouds, and winds! Keluar dari Stasiun tujuan, Stasiun Sudirman, tentu saja kita jalan kaki menikmati cuaca. Walking down Sudirman menuju Plaza Indonesia, menikmati angin dan ngobrol!
Penyakit orang Jakarta, mereka lately jarang ngobrol yang berprikemanusiaan, most of them talk in socmed or in their smartphone. Thats why I feel very grateful hari ini bisa jalan kaki dengan nyaman dan memanfaatkan waktu ini untuk ngobrol dengan yang tercinta.

Jalan kaki terusss terussss dan terusss sampai ke sebuah shopping center bernama eX lalu pacaran lah sudah intinya.

Why pacaran?
@bungyoso and me, as a new-parents, we do struggling hard. The word struggling is appropriate knowing we don’t have the luxury that most other new-parents might have, luxurious life.
Struggle cari uang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan, struggle dlm belajar merawat dan mendidik anak kami tercinta. Bitter truth, being parents is tiring, yes or no?admit it?
We are beyond happy of doing our role as parents and we also know that we have another role to play on, a couple.

Tiki and Yoso is always be a couple, thats also something we need to maintain aside from our role as parents.

Back to my beautiful day, hari semakin indah ketika sore harinya waktu kita akan jalan kaki kembali ke stasiun, cuaca semakin indah. Angin kencang tapi bersahabat, and… The hands that holds each other tightly.
My afternoon walk is beyond romantic I might say!

After the movie-date, delicious lunch, good dessert, shopping, what makes me really –REALLY– HAPPY are things that needs no money to buy: a caring attention from my husband, a quality time that allows us to have an easy conversation, a hand that hold mine with love slipping through every fingers, and the loving eyes that looking at me with a whole heart..

So we went home by train, going home to our son’s hugs.

I’m so happy with my day.
And I’m thanking my husband for that..

I fall in love with the guy who stand next to me and tightly hold my hand along the way in Sudirman lane.
I fall in love again and again to the same person,
husband :*

Thank you for your time to talk. Thank you for your gigantic love for me.
I love you.

Saturday, 21 December 2013.

Tiki - a happy Mrs. Ichsanto.