September 21, 2014



I think I might have broken my finger reblogging this. 


(via not-rachael)

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  14. mizumanta said: You clearly dont care about victins if youre so willing to silence one set of victims to put the spotlight soley on women. I mean if you cared about victims, the fact that so many victims are ignored (or arrested themselves) due to systematoc discrimination would set you off and have you digging for more info. But you dont want that. Becayse it isnt about victims to you. It’s about women. There’s a big difference.
  15. mizumanta said: @flowerchild2009 On fact, ignoring gendered crime definitions (including rape) that only allow men to be punished, compared to women who commit the same crime, men are *Much more likely to be arrested *To go to trial *To be found guilty (and thus included in statiatics) To be incarcerated *Get 63% longer sentencing *Are more likely to get the death penalty *And less likely to get parole Meanwhile your statistics are flawed because theyre based on telephone studies.
  16. apintofguinness reblogged this from cheshireinthemiddle
  17. mizumanta said: @flowerchild2009 Even statistics are skewed. Not only because of discrimination against men who come forward, but because gov. Funding for research is literally gendered. As in you get grants for the topic of the study being women or children, but you get no money if it’s about men. So considerably fewer stats on men are made (syatematic discrimination).…
  18. mizumanta said: @flowerchild2009 “patriarchy” is a bad argument because men cant even make laws that support men without enormous backlash. India tried to make rape gender neutral by definitions and women successfully got it switched back. The UK and S. Korea tried to include male abuse shelters to government funding, and feminists protested and kept it gendered.
  19. mizumanta said: @flowerchild2009 domestic abuse in first world countries is largely gender neutral, though due to systematic misandry, men are much more likely to be arrested and charged, even if the woman started it or the violence was recipricated. Rape is literally gendered for nost of the world’s population, including parts of the US, so along woth leniency for female offenders, male rape victims arent properly recorded.
  20. cheshireinthemiddle reblogged this from cheshireinthemiddle
  21. the-average-gatsby posted this