On being a bimbo/Why I like bimbos better.

summer over at summer's bimbo fiction recently had two awesome answers to two questions. Even though the questions were unrelated, and asked by different followers, I feel like they are part one and part two. So I have compiled them into one post. I will have some comments at the end but in the meantime enjoy the eloquent words of the lovely summer...


bimbohearts asked: How are you so nice and sexy and smart and awesome? Seriously. Wow.

Aw shucks I’m nothing special!

Being nice is kind of the major backbone of my whole bimbofication project, in a way. Pre-bimbo Summer could be kind of unpleasant, let me tell ya! I’ve always had a reputation for being witty and funny, but my sense of humor was always based on being cutting and snide and sarcastic. People enjoyed it, but I started to feel bad - I couldn’t get a laugh unless I was cutting somebody down or being negative. I was making people laugh, but I wasn’t making them happy.

So that was kind of a beginning for me - trying to simply be nicer. People who meet me now tend not to comment on me being clever or funny anymore, but everyone always mentions how friendly and sweet I am. I have to bite my tongue sometimes when I think of a snappy remark, but it’s much more satisfying making people smile by being positive than it is to make them laugh by being negative.

Anyways, thanks for such a delightful message! :)


Anonymous asked : Of course it's nice to make people smile, but don't you miss being respected?

Nah. :)

For one thing, the people in my life who matter - my friends & family, the people I work with, The Fella - absolutely respect me. That hasn’t changed. My circle of friends has changed a bit since I’ve stated my bimbofication, but that’s all.

Secondly, if there is a person who respects you for being snarky and kind of mean, but can’t respect you for being kind and nice - well, do you really want their respect? I would argue that if it’s that fickle and fragile, it isn’t worth much.

Look, everybody deserves respect. More to the point, everybody deserves to be treated with decency. If somebody can’t do that because I’m friendly and earnest, man, that’s their problem, not mine. :)

People talk about respect sometimes like it’s this big be-all-end-all. As a woman you hear often about how nobody will respect you if you dress or act or talk certain ways. If that’s what it takes to get respect, maybe you can just keep it. At this point in my life I guess I’m just more concerned with my own happiness and sense of self-worth than I am with the conditional respect of strangers. :)

Pretty awesome stuff right? With an amazing brain like that it's hard to believe that summer could possibly be a bimbo, but she's one of the best. Okay now my take on it...

Summer really hit the nail on the head about the difference between the need to be seen as smart, and accomplishing that by being sarcastic and snarky, vs. being friendly and kind. Sadly it is in vogue in our culture right now to be sarcastic, as though the height of humor lies in cutting people and institutions down. However, if you asked most people if they would rather be friendly or sarcastic, I think that most people would choose being friendly. But the fact is that being friendly is hard! Bimbos deserve a medal for being so friendly! 

There is also a fear-factor involved. People are afraid that people won't take them seriously unless they can convince everyone of how smart they are. And there's never a  convenient place in a conversation to break into a recitation of formulas of fluid dynamics, so instead people try to show how clever they are by being sarcastic. Which kinda leads into summer's next point about respect...

Respect is great! I think that everyone deserves respect. But I also think that most people are way too stingy with their respect "I'll respect you, but first you must conform to my world-view." Those people who don't respect bimbos, aren't withholding their respect because they feel that the bimbo is dumb, they are withholding their respect because they are insulted that the bimbo has chosen to value different things in their life than they have. Even though that is, theoretically, at the core of a free society, it is very insulting to the narrow minded. Whether they realize it or not in their minds it is the same as a direct insult to the things that they value. 

They say that you can please all of the people some of the time, and that you can please some people all of the time. Well when it comes to pleasing all of the people "some of the time" is usually not very often. I would rather focus on carefully choosing the people I surround  myself with, making sure that they are people who are actually interested in being happy and who want me to be happy too. It makes the "...all of time..." so much easier to make happen.

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