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Late Summer Cooling Kitchari

Summer just can’t seem to quit us here in sunny San Diego. It was 100 degrees in my neighborhood, & I do not have a/c. The pug & I have been laying low, & trying to stay cool. 

Lucky for us, Ayurveda offers many ways to keep balanced with the seasons - through the right foods, drinks, self care routines, yoga, breath work & more. As summer is the season for “Pitta” this unwavering heat can increase aggression, irritability, & inflammation, making these hot temperatures that much more unbearable. 

Today over at Vegenista’s Kitchen, I am offering up some tips to help keep you cool, calm & collected until this crazy heat wave passes. I’ve also got a brand new “Cooling Summer Kitchari” recipe made with the right combination of cooling, bitter, astringent & sweet tastes to help balance out the body, & help you shed any excess  Pitta “heat” that has accumulated within. 

This recipe, along with a few other tips should help you to ride out this heat wave cool, calm & collected. 

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