October 20, 2014

Last week, this kid I knew in high school sent me a snapchat asking me where I’ve been and why I’ve been “hiding”. I’m like, if you people REALLY cared about what I’ve been up to since high school, why not invite me to hang out. They have my number. Call me, text me. We’re Facebook friends. Send me a message! Talk to me. 

“Why are you hiding?” Bitch, please. I have a very visible internet presence. I’m active on like four social networks. I’ve been a writer on two websites. I see and call my actual friends who really give a fuck about what I’m doing. I’m not hiding, people just aren’t paying any attention to me. Which is par for the course.

I replied to the person’s snapchat, saying that I’ve been working, going to school and not hiding. They never snapped back, which just proves they never cared in the first place.