
Try On Your New Disguise

@itsmebutitsnot / itsmebutitsnot.tumblr.com

Where I reblog cosplay tips I find useful and where I post myself and sometimes my kids playing dress-up.

Okay so after I posted that long list of things I need for Princess Vanellope, I got a surprising amount of people asking me what App I was using. I’m actually really surprised that this is apparently not very well known, so let me go into a thing about it!

This app is called Cosplanner and its for Android in the Google Play market (Not sure if it works on apple products yet!). If you’re a cosplayer this app is everything you could possibly want. I used to list all of my costumes and what I needed to get for them all on tumblr, but now I use Cosplanner and its saved me more than once!

Cosplanner is essentially a cosplay list where you can put in what materials you need to get your cosplay done and it keeps track of everything for you. There’s a ‘To Buy’ and a ‘To Make’ section which makes keeping track of what you have to do and get for your cosplay so much easier! It even has an area where you can keep reference photo’s of whatever you’re working on, which is hella helpful. Not to mention it can keep track of how much something cost so you can go back and count up how much money you dumped into your cosplay! (Everything with the 0 dollar mark in Opal’s list I already had.)

The app is totally free, but it does have its limits. When you get it it only allows you to list 20 things in the Buy/Make section, but it allows you to upgrade  to 100 items for only a dollar more!

I highly recommend this to any beginning or even experienced cosplayer out there, if they don’t already know about it. Cosplanner is a life saver and quite easily the most used app on my phone right now. Get it if you can!


9 Steps To Follow for Perfect Make-Up

*Also when painting your nails you should always cap the free edge, or pull your brush lightly around the edge outer edge of your fingernail. This helps prevent chipping.

Whoa this is super informative! I still have no idea what my shapes are but definitely saving this



The Cold Never Bothered Us AAAHHH!!

So staticsingesthespeakers and I finally did our ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.   We called out some of you including kaleighbytheway (this should be easy for a Canadian!) and fuckingalexturner (Did I say your name correctly?). We dressed as Captain America and Queen Elsa hoping it would help if we pretended we were acclimated to the ice.

Cosplay Tip #1: Starting your cosplay “too early” is the best time to start.

Story Time!

My first few cosplays were terrible. Each one was made the night before the convention day. I thought “They’re simple. I can do it in no time.” My Friday cosplay (though it was a rather simple) took me from 10pm-5:30am. My Saturday cosplay; 10pm-4am. Both fell apart by the end of the day.  My Sunday cosplay never even happened because I didn’t have time to even finish the shirt. By the way, I had to wake up no later than 7am to get to the con.

Pulling all-nighters on a cosplay is not a great idea. It is very unlikely you will  have time to add important details when you rush the construction of a prop or outfit. You’ll attend the con exhausted from the lack of sleep and that ruins the fun.

In short:

  • Start your cosplay at least 4-6 months ahead of time. Even if you are buying for a cosplay, 6 months is sufficient time for the creator to sew and ship your cosplay with time to spare. If you are buying anything online, you have time to return or exchange items.
  • Work on your cosplay during down times or when you are bored.  Sewing one day, adding detail for an hour another day, sanding a prop another day. This guarantees progress in the long run.
  • A complete cosplay makes a happy cosplayer. You’ll get a full night’s rest and there will be no worries if your makeshift cosplay will fall apart.

Have Fun!


Heat Resistant Wig Washing Tutorial!

This is just my personal method of washing wigs. It can help detangle your wig and it doesn’t make your wig lose a ton of hairs. I think it’s pretty simple, but if anyone has questions feel free to leave an ask.

If you don’t have a wig stand but have a tripod, you can use that.

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