
i think i lost my halo

@ruby-liams / ruby-liams.tumblr.com

delina. - "and i'd rather be sad with you, than anywhere anywhere away from you."

GET TO KNOW THE GMWNET MEMBERS |  favorite character: Maya Hart ↳ My voice is still my voice. You’re gonna need to show me a lot more than clothes and hair and a boy before I believe that it isn’t.


This is your periodic reminder to stop feeding, petting, grabbing, and otherwise harassing the wildlife. In addition to the danger you put yourself and other people in, when you habituate a wild animal to human food or contact you set them up for disaster. A fed animal is a dead animal.

Pretty much this. This situation happened because the sea lion was habituated to people and brave enough to start looking for food to steal (my best guess is the edge of the kid’s dress looked like the paper wrapping on a sandwich). Don’t fuck with the wildlife, because it fucks up the life of the wildlife. 


skam meme: 1/6 characters  ≡ Eskild Tryggvason I’m just trying to.. I’m just trying to be myself, Isak. They’re people who, throughout the years, have chosen to endure harassment.. and hate.. who have been beaten up and killed. And that’s not because they’re so insanely keen on being different. But because they’d rather die than pretend to be something they’re not.


friendly reminder that if i have ever befriended you and have not spoken to you in a while it’s nothing you’ve done wrong it’s just because i’m a piece of shit at keeping in contact with people and i still love you okay good


My Debit Card: Wilful ignorance is not a valid strategy for financial management.

Me: shush capitalism plastic your job is to cause bread not get ideas above your station


“You are an ember in the ashes, Elias Veturius. You will spark and burn, ravage and destroy. You cannot change it. You cannot stop it.”

                                                    “You are full, Laia. Full of life and dark and strength and spirit. You are in our dreams. You will burn, for you are an ember in the ashes. That is your destiny.”

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