i am the firechild

@iamthefirechild / iamthefirechild.tumblr.com

I may be going down but I'll take in flames over burning out. bisexual poly pagan gamer geek girl english major: I REGRET NOTHING.  Call me Naienko. That will find me anywhere. contact: sk*pe, tumblr, twitter, gmail eshu / firebender / ravenclaw / house eglantine / blaster / phoenix all roleplaying moved to rainaulthouse

“the wonderful thing about tiggers is tiggers are wonderful things.”

the clouded leopard is the most ancient type of cat alive today, with all other living cats sharing their genetic blue print. it is from them that today’s species of cats inherited their razor sharp canines, heightened senses, extreme agility and climbing skills. but they are now so rare that little is known about them, including just how many are left in the wild. 

what we do know is than that they continue to live high in tree tops like their ancient cat ancestors, using their long tails for balance. and that they, like all cats, are one of the few animals who lack a fear of heights. but unlike a typical house cat that can get stuck up in a tree, the clouded leopard can rotate its paws to climb down head first. (video

Source: nubbsgalore
darkersolstice: Do you know what the worst part of having a uterus is?
HobbitGuy1420: I don’t. What is?
darkersolstice: When you’re upset about something, to the point of crying, and you go to the bathroom, and there’s blood on the toilet paper, so you’re like “Oh, of course I’m upset, I’m hormonal and whatever was wrong must not really be a thing at all.”
HobbitGuy1420: I’m sorry you have to deal with that.
darkersolstice: It makes me doubt if my upsetness is all…wrong. Fake. Not real.
HobbitGuy1420: I think it’s real. It might be hitting you harder than it would normally
darkersolstice: Probably.
HobbitGuy1420: If you excuse the analogy, just because you’ve temporarily lost 10-again on Composure rolls doesn’t mean that there isn’t something calling for a roll
darkersolstice: …Oh.
HobbitGuy1420: You aren’t weak, you’re just suffering a situational modifier
darkersolstice: That’s…really, really useful to hear.



Writing about a child rapist did not make Vladimir Nabokov a child rapist.

Writing about an authoritarian theocracy did not make Margaret Atwood an authoritarian theocrat.

Writing about adultery did not make Leo Tolstoy an adulterer.

Writing about a ghost did not make Toni Morrison a ghost.

Writing about a murderer did not make Fyodor Dostoevsky a murderer.

Writing about a teenage addict did not make Isabel Allende a teenage addict.

Writing about dragons and ice zombies did not make George R.R. Martin either of those things.

Writing about rich heiresses, socially awkward bachelors, and cougar widows did not make Jane Austen any of those things.

Writing about people who can control earthquakes did not make N.K. Jemisin able to control earthquakes.

Writing about your favorite characters and/or ships in situations that you choose does not make you a bad person.

It’s a shame that in this day and age these things need to be said.


Or, in short: the narrator =/ the author.

You know what else is a shame? This nowadays tendency of putting on the author the responsibility of teaching their readers morality.

Authors are allowed to write morally ambiguous characters.

Authors are allowed to write downright despicable characters - and guess what they are even allowed to make despicable characters charismatic and likeble and the protagonists of their stories if they wish - because absolute monsters exist only under the bed.

It is not up to the author to spoonfeed the readers about morality and Yes I know this character did a bad thing and I am going going to show it in the story and make other characters call them out of it and– Bullshit.

The authors should be able to write what they want without having thousands of people jumping and their throats claiming to know them, their ideas and their morality based on what they write.

It’s not up to the author to teach you about what is right and what is wrong.


Okay so you know how everyone (myself included) is making jokes about how Crowley and Aziraphale didn’t actually do anything? I love those posts because they’re a) funny and b) emphasize the thematic importance of humans—particularly the next generation of humans—being the ones to enact change. BUT I don’t actually agree with those posts. 

Aziraphale and Crowley did something very, very important. For a brief moment they were truly excellent dads to Adam. 

Hear me out. At the start of the story they set out to be godfathers of the antichrist, hoping to provide enough saving and damning between them that it all cancels out. Things obviously go pear shaped, but it’s during that moment when Crowley stops time that they’re finally able to focus on the right child. Except now, instead of trying to influence Adam they accept him. Fully. Aziraphale and Crowley act as parents should by: 

  1. Treating Adam as an individual worthy of respect. It would have been super easy to try and control him and to justify that control with, “Well we’re celestial beings thousands of years old and you’re a mortal child.” Anyone who reads my RWBY metas know that I do think there’s something to be said for age and experience, but in this case it’s more a matter of acknowledging that kids have a voice that deserves to be heard. “We’ll need to think of something else,” Crowley says. “Being a kid isn’t a bad thing to be,” Aziraphale tells him. 
  2. They accept who Adam is. Aziraphale admits that he’d hoped Adam would be heaven incarnate, but he’s not and the implication is Aziraphale was wrong to expect that in the first place. Insert literally any situation where parents have rigid ideas about how their kids should turn out here. Our Ineffable Husbands bypass that in the final hour, realizing that being Adam—human incarnate—is far better than anything they could have imagined for him. He’s his own person, not a construct based on their expectations. 
  3. They accept whoever Adam might be in the future. Aziraphale then follows that up with, “Whatever happens, for good or for evil, we’re here beside you.” Do people realize what kind of rare as fuck support that is?? The angel will stand by him even if he’s bad. The demon will stand by him even if he’s good. They tell him plain as day that no matter what he decides or what the outcome of that decision is, they’re going to support him, full stop. That’s huge

And that’s what gives Adam the strength to stand up to Satan. Before this he’s questioning himself—“I’m just a kid”—but with both of them beside him (taking his hands as a further gesture of support) he’s confident enough to not only face Satan, but change reality itself. And of course, Adam summons Mr. Young, another dad who has done right by him throughout the story. 

Good Omens is a love story. It’s a love story on multiple levels: queer love, platonic love, love for a deity, love of humanity… parental love. I adore the “lol you could remove these two dorks from the story and nothing would change” posts as much as the next fan, but at a fundamental level I think they miss something crucial. Crowley and Aziraphale manage what neither God (who condemned questioning angels) nor Satan (currently condemning a disobedient Adam) were able to accomplish: accepting your child exactly as they are. They set out to do something Epic over an eleven year span. Then ended up doing something seemingly simple in just a few, stolen seconds. It’s up to the audience to realize that the latter is just as important as the former. Perhaps even more-so. 

Their unconditional love literally helps save the world. 




The main thing that I think drives some men to call Captain Marvel a villain because of that scene where she twisted a creepy guys hand and took his bike - is that they don’t identify creepy, sexually intimidating behavior as villainous.

It’s pretty telling, actually. 

I immediately see a woman standing up to a man that uses what he thinks is his superior size and strength being intimidating and rude. She then reacts to that.

While some men watching just see a guy being a guy and a woman being aggressive. Because they just don’t get how his behavior is already aggressive.

The reactions to the clip is a study in men revealing their own obliviousness in relation to the conditions women live under in patriarchy. 


Michiko Nishiwaki (西脇 美智子) My Lucky Stars (1985)

Am I supposed to square up or get down on one knee I’m so confused

Ideally you should strike up a tango and let her lead.

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