
i must not tell lies.

@fixingkoalasheart / fixingkoalasheart.tumblr.com

Julia. My thoughts are here to be set free. Family, Friends, and God are my solace. Music is my life line. Words are my source of magic. Baking, Beaches, and British Television. TWLOHA = Life. I want to change lives.

The real reason the Eleventh Doctor was allowed to regenerate into the Twelfth…?

Okay but WHAT IF the reason the Fifth Doctor wasn’t affected when he opened the box of Jhana in Kinda (1982) - when all males who looked into it went mad - is because the Thirteenth Doctor is female??

Like, if the Doctor had died properly in The Time of the Doctor instead of being given a new regeneration cycle it would have been catastrophic to old fivey who would end up as a grinning idiot like Sanders and wouldn’t end up thwarting the Mara, the Master, The Cybermen and hundreds of other bad guys… So the time lords had to let the Doctor regenerate on Trenzalore to save history because their becoming female was thus crucial to established events including everything Doctors 5-11 did (stopping the universe from ending several times, ending the Time War etc)…

Maybe they were about to let him die and instead of Clara’s speech making them change their minds, it was the fact that the matrix suddenly started predicting the destruction of the past… (the Time Lords wouldn’t necessarily care about universal catastrophe in their future but WOULD care about time being messed up and ripped apart)

And perhaps Panna cryptically claiming that it’s because “he must be an idiot” is a reference to the Twelfth Doctor, who constantly referred to himself as an idiot and who had to exist in order to regenerate into the Thirteenth - as soon as that happened, the Fifth Doctor’s timeline is valid. Perhaps it’s an ancient Kinda prophecy that the only male who can look into the box of Jhana unaffected is “an idiot”…

Like it was probably intended to be because he is a time lord but that’s a hell of a continuity link.



A couple of nights ago, I was watching “The Time of the Doctor”, not my favourite episode, but I did notice the quote that the Eleventh Doctor reads, which he found in a Christmas cracker, and identifies as a piece from “Thoughts on a clock”

“The time has come for one last bow, like all your other selves Eleven’s hour is over now, the clock is striking twelve’s.”

I liked the rhythm and the metre and I wondered if either A) This was an actual real-world poem or B) Like “A Good Man Goes to War”. “The Whispermen” or “Tick-Tock, Goes the Clock” it had actually been written in full by Moffatt or Gatiss and the whole thing could be found somewhere.

Not it appears that is NOT the case, they literally only wrote those lines and that was it.

However I DID find that an enterprising fan on reddit “FishFingrsAndCustard”, actually had written a complete version, including those two lines, in a beautfifully put togther piece.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Brand new face, hands never used, the ticking heart’s begun. The wonders of the world await, it’s time to live, to run.

An hour comes, your very first, so early in the day. What are you now, who will you be?  What will you do and say?

When it seems you’ve just begun, the hour’s already through There’s plenty more, get moving, start! The clock is striking two.

Be busy now, compile a list of places you will go. Make all your plans with steady hands, time waits for none, you know.

The hour has passed, it went so fast, you didn’t see it flee You’re ready now, list item one, the clock is striking three.

So many plans, it’s early yet, with many hours ahead No need to rush, those things can wait, so smell the flowers instead…

It kissed your cheek, it flew, it’s gone, it’s not three anymore. No looking back, the hand swings on, the clock is striking four.

Rub your eyes, get on your feet, you’ve slept an hour away. That time has slipped, it won’t come back, wish hard as you may.

You’ve made mistakes, but that’s okay, you’re learning, you’re alive. So brush it off, and start again, the clock is striking five.

It’s your fifth hour, you are renewed, your slate is blank and clear, You’re older now, you’re braver too, and now you have friends here.

Hold them tight, don’t let them go, time ticks and tocks and ticks, Before you know, the hour is up, the clock is striking six.

How can it be, you’re halfway done!  There’s so much yet to do! Time flies and crawls, and with each hour, you feel like someone new.

You stack these lives from front to back, remember each in turn. You’re running now, you’re moving on, you love, you lose, you learn.

Your seventh life, your seventh self, but then the hour is past. How can it be, each hour that comes, seems faster than the last?

You cling hard to the things you knew, but time, it doesn’t wait. So say goodbye, smile, take your bow, the clock is striking eight.

Tide in, tide out, sun up, sun down, conflict, famine, war. You’re getting lost, and hour to hour, you’re not sure who you are.

It’s all right though, through war and waste, you’ll always come out fine, Be wise, be strong, be kind, be brave, the clock is striking nine.

The dust has cleared, what’s done is done, let go, you’re moving on A brand new face, a brand new start, but remember those who’ve gone

Much still to do, much still to see, you’ll learn to run again Breathe in deep, and take the leap, the clock is striking ten.

So many stones unturned, and soon, the end is close at hand. You start to see the awful truth–you can’t do all you planned.

So flee and fly, and touch and do, and climb the highest tower. live and feel and reach and stretch, you’ve come to the eleventh hour.

You’re aging now, you’re slowing down, you’re dimming, losing strength. But that’s okay, your heart has grown, and there’s more to life than length.

The time has come for one last bow, like all your other selves Eleven’s hour is over now, the clock is striking twelve’s.

The worlds we see, the hands we hold, the common threads we pull The trick is to take the time that’s yours, and live a life that’s full. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That’s bloody amazing, isn’t it? :)

This was posted four years ago, and though it’s extremely presumptious of me, I’d like to express my appreciation by adding a codicil verse.

Hold fast, because time’s not done yet, it ever dances on Clocks wind down, their hands stand still, but the future’s never gone.

Time knows tricks, it knows the ways, to paths as yet unseen, Re-wind, renew, run fast, run true, the clock has struck thirteen.


12: You’re giving me a sticker.

Clara: Not just any sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “Me-Wow.”

12: I’m not a preschooler.

Clara, shrugs: Fine, I’ll take it back.

12: I earned this. Back off.


Here are some highlights of the Doctor Who watchalong of Listen earlier today

I especially like the scene that was cut from the script, in which the Doctor and Clara talk about stealing a library. That would have been an awesome scene. I hope that Steven Moffat will publish the script eventually. 


doctor who + moments that get me every time 2/?: hell bent (9.12)

“he could have left any time he wanted. he just had to say what he knew. the dial would have released him.”
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