
The World's Champion Hercule Satan

@worldschampion-blog / worldschampion-blog.tumblr.com

All DB Cannon and DB OC Welcome Tracking worldschampion

I see you claim my name. But are you good enough to claim the name of Satan?


[[ -proudly stands up-









…which I haven’t done in a while but STILL-]]


“Well then.... ummmm (nervous laugh)  Carry on the good work in the name of house Satan.”  He’s not scary... Nope!!   side step......side step....... side step...... FLEES!


((Ooc: Who the hell would be the champ tho))


Cuz idk Vegeta surely could be one of the Elite four.

Along with Piccolo but what about the other two? Hmmm ….



like you got piccolo(or gotenks, but he could also be one of those twins for the double battles), gohan, vegeta, and then goku as the elite four, and then the fucking champ rolls out

and it’s fucking mr satan




Though I’m a little unsure of Gotenks (or the two of em) being either Elite Four or Gym trainer (like these twins from the Hoenn Psycho Gym. Not 100% sure yet. :U)

I’m so glad I checked tumblr to find that the consensus is vegeta is on the elite four

it’s actually the best because he want’s to be the champion but can’t beat fucking goku

and satan as the champion is INSULT TO INJURY


“We uhhh Obliviously I’d Be the CHAMP!!!  You all only care about the fight itself.  What about all those adoring fans who would follow and bother you.  I’ll just keep them out of your way.  No need for homicidal prince to ummmm ...Eeeee KILL anyone here today.   (Yikes that's one scary face) 


((Ooc: Who the hell would be the champ tho))


Cuz idk Vegeta surely could be one of the Elite four.

Along with Piccolo but what about the other two? Hmmm ….



like you got piccolo(or gotenks, but he could also be one of those twins for the double battles), gohan, vegeta, and then goku as the elite four, and then the fucking champ rolls out

and it’s fucking mr satan

“You all planning something the champ should be a part of? HA HA HA!!!  Well if Goku wanted me to.  I’d be glad to be the face of your little group cause you know, I am the World Champion!!!  Right Buu? ....   Buu?  ummmm anyone got a candy bar?”


Hercule continued to trade blows with the teen. He had turned everyone out.  Intent on the fight. They seemed equally matched.  “Ha Ha Ha Strong guys like me huh?!  Bet your friends are really impressed.  Getting to fight me in the first match and all.  I bet you are the envy of all the kids.”  Hercule blocked one particularly hard kick. I’m about done in and this pup is stronger then ever!  “Ummm You must be pretty strong if you want to go against Goku.  He’s errr they say his strength isn’t human.”

Say kid I was planning to retire after this next year.  You know pass the legacy onto the next generation.  I always thought Videl would replace me but she has found um… other persecutes.  Would you consider letting the champ leave in style in exchange I’ll train you, so you aren’t just brute force but have some finesse and style.  What do you say?  Then you can enter next year as my protege.  

Hercule blocked a kick from Superboy but was a fraction too slow.  The kick was blocked but defected and hit him right  where Mercenary Tao has wounded Hercule all those years ago.  Clutching his side Hercule get in a ready stance for one final blow.  This has been a splendid fight for the fans!  Listen to them roar!   What do you say kid? Are you going to let The Champ win this?  

Conner couldn’t help but laugh a little bit, if it was the sponsor, the way the crowd was getting into it, or something within the clone that just loved to fight, but it was clear that Superboy had a fun time throughout the duration of the bout. “Definitely, though I’m not so sure about my pals, not all of ‘em are fans.” Before his kick was successfully blocked.

Nodding, the kryptonian agreed, “My dad fought him a while back, and I wanted to give it a try.” Clarifying for Hercule how he knew about the Saiyan, and how strong that particular person happened to be.

Of course, what Mr. Satan told him next gave Kent some pause. Stopping, he quickly darted back, out from Hercule’s reach, but still close enough that low-volume conversing was possible. It was all a bit to take in, Hercule Satan planned on retiring? Heck, that wasn’t even the most shocking, he was asking Conner to throw a fight, for the sake of said retirement. It wasn’t that he was without understanding, it was tough being a human competitor in a tournament that was so clearly alien, and it was probably a bit slanted against the old man to begin with. But that was just it, wasn’t it? Hercule wanted to finish out on top, save some face, have people be proud before stepping out of the limelight.

And it wasn’t like the teen would go away empty-handed, despite being an earthling, Hercule knew his stuff, and there was definitely things for him to learn. Continuing to go on, Conner darted back in, throwing another kick, this time paying super close attention, and catching the grimace of pain on his idol’s face, before backing off, in the defensive stance again. It only took a fraction of a second after Stan’s next words for Conner to dart in, muttering in a low voice, “Hit me with all you got, NOW.”

Immediately upon the next attack connecting, Conner used his kryptonian flight to propel the opposite direction, back first, as if a powerful blow had sent the boy reeling, smashing into the brick wall that boxed off the fighters from the crowd, and hitting the grass with a low thump.

Hercule gathered all the force he could muster and hit Superboy with everything he had using his  Dynamic Mess Em Up Punch.  Shouting  "You're all washed up!!" as the teen flew backwards out of the ring.  He watched stunned at his opponent crashed into the brick wall and flopped onto the grass.  Clearly out of bounds.  

YEA!!!  Who’s your Champ.”  He threw a fist into the air as the announcer declared Superboy as the looser of the match.  “ARgh!!!”  Hercule has the most intense pain in his side. He touched the spot and it is tender.  He lifts his GI to reveal a deep purple almost black bruise spreading which the camera’s caught on tape.  Hercule pull down his GI and stood back up once again raising his fist in the air only to grimace and clutches side again.

The little Doctor Monk came running out to see Mr. Satan side. He lifted Mr. Satan GI and touched the bruised area causing Mr. Satan to yowl in pain “YEEEEOOOOWWWWW!  THAT HURTS!”  The little monk whispered something to Mr. Satan  “No, No, No!  I must go on.  There are millions of fans won't want me to quit!” The little Dr. whispered something again to Mr. Satan?!?  What do you mean I can't go on!?!  The Champ shouted “It's only a little pain all I'm doing...  Hercule cried out falling on his back and clutching his side.

“Hey Mr. announcer  There is no reason these good people can’t see a fight." You’ve all seen what a tough kid he is.  What do you say?!?”  Hercule struggled to rise and address the crowd.  “You all want to see Superboy fight in my stead?  Let me hear you!?!  YEA!!!”  He gave them a minute to cheer.  Leaning heavily on the monks who were trying to get him to lie down  “What do you sat Ref?  Can Superboy  continue for me?  The fans love him.  And I’ll advise him between matches.  This way we don’t mess up the books.  


“I don’t understand how he can forgive me for what I did. I wiped out the earth to a handful of people, ate his daughter, blew up earth & nearly got him killed in my purest form. I’m the worst kind of friend there is to him why would he forgive me?”


“Well because Little friend it is my understanding it was and wasn’t you!  You are sorry for the things you did.  You seem to be trying to make people happy.  You weren't truly evil to begin with and Evil Buu wasn’t you.  You couldn’t hurt me even as Evil Buu.  We are friends.  and Um  Friends forgive each other.


Standing his ground Hercule leaned to the side to let the punch fly past him but he was a fraction too slow. The Champ felt the fist graze his cheek.  Hercule countered with a powerful punch of his own but SuperBoy caught his fist.  They stepped back from each other.  Hercule wiped the blood from his cheek with his thumb.  “Not bad kid.  Not bad at all.  With a little form behind that raw power you could be good.Ha Ha Ha!!!  But not as good as the Champ, right kid?!”

“All RIGHT!!!  Lets get to it!”  Hercule charged forward leaping up and kicking his opponent upraised arms several times before landing and punching Superboy as hard as he could in the chest.  YYYEEEEEoooooowwwww!  It was hitting a steel wall.    Eeeeeee!!  Suddenly Superboy was charging towards towards him Hercule attempted to block and dodge as many of the bows.  Damn the kid is good!  He is getting stronger I can feel it.  I not going to keep it up.  Ahhhhhhh Gah!  Ah man I can’t loose this way!  But there is no way i want to face Goku or Cell.  Everyone will know I am a fake!  I can see it now.  All my fans booing and throwing thing.  I loose everything  There has to be something I can do  but what…?   “Hey Kid why did you join this fight?  You want money , fame, what?”

Conner felt a confidence boost as his hit actually landed. This wasn’t even with his super-speed, but rather with the velocity that would have been pulled off by one of Hercule’s fists. And if that wasn’t a roll, Kent was able to pre-empt one of the other man’s attacks, catching it, and taking the beat of break which this generated to take a breath.

Smirking at Mr. Satan’s words, Superboy assured him, “Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure, I’ve only got up to shoot for from where I am.” Taking a more-light-footed stance, intent on quickly snapping into a wider one when they got back into the heat of a melee. And it only took about a second for that to happen, as he was run into by Hercule. Slowing things down in his brain, Conner quickly studied the angle that his opponent flew in at, and took a pretty broad guess at where the kicks would approximate.

Arms taking the heel of the boots, Kent naturally didn’t feel much, and was less than astounded with the flying fist to his chest. The finesse and skill which accompanied the execution of each was amazing, however. The timing didn’t really accommodate Conner, though, and he wasn’t able to bend into the last punch, just acting as the immovable object he was. And with this, the clone figured offense would be a good way to go.

Moving in, Conner threw a few more quick jabs, before a kick of his own, crying out, “Kryptonite Kick!” As the leg swung at Hercule with what he figured the human could cap out at in terms of force. “Uh, what? Nah… I just wanna meet strong guys like you, maybe impress my friends, and do my dad proud against Goku.” Answering the question honestly as they fought, though the flurry of their traded blows prevented the sound from traveling far.


Wow this sure is an exciting match! The inexperienced Superboy sure is holding his own against our Champ Satan! Isn’t that amazing folks! Maybe if he’s lucky, Mr. Satan will let him join on as a pupil after the match! 

Hercule continued to trade blows with the teen. He had turned everyone out.  Intent on the fight. They seemed equally matched.  “Ha Ha Ha Strong guys like me huh?!  Bet your friends are really impressed.  Getting to fight me in the first match and all.  I bet you are the envy of all the kids.”  Hercule blocked one particularly hard kick. I’m about done in and this pup is stronger then ever!  “Ummm You must be pretty strong if you want to go against Goku.  He’s errr they say his strength isn’t human.”

Say kid I was planning to retire after this next year.  You know pass the legacy onto the next generation.  I always thought Videl would replace me but she has found um... other persecutes.  Would you consider letting the champ leave in style in exchange I’ll train you, so you aren't just brute force but have some finesse and style.  What do you say?  Then you can enter next year as my protege.  

Hercule blocked a kick from Superboy but was a fraction too slow.  The kick was blocked but defected and hit him right  where Mercenary Tao has wounded Hercule all those years ago.  Clutching his side Hercule get in a ready stance for one final blow.  This has been a splendid fight for the fans!  Listen to them roar!   What do you say kid? Are you going to let The Champ win this?  


Hercules foot connected with the boys ankle like he had kicked a brick wall.  The didn’t move or even react.  Eeeee What the hell!!!  His foot throbbed but the rest of him felt a cold chill run up him like he had turned to ice.  “Whha Ha Ha!  Guess that stance training I gave you helped huh?  Eeeek!!!” 

Hercule looked up just in time to see a kick coming at his face.  He wanted to freeze but his reflexes took over and he ducked letting the blow fly over his head.  As Superboy’s leg continued it path to the left Herc spun on his right side aiming a barrage of punches at the boys side.  “You’re strong Kid. but your technique needs some work!!”  Hercule stepped back and held his figer up to make his point.  He pointed to Superboys side that he just punched.  “You left yourself wide open!  Why if I wasn’t holding back i could knock you out of this ring right now!!!  Strength isn’t everything you know!  You need speed and agility!!  You should be training more!!!”

Hercule paused to think, standing with his arms crossed.  “No Sir!  In my Dojo this wouldn’t fly.  Someone didn’t train you right boy!! 

Conner laughed a bit at what Hercule said, “Yeah, I guess so, way more stable this time around.” Of course, it was a bummer that his kick whistled past its target, but he wasn’t worried too much about it, this guy WAS Hercule after all. And the quick flurry of incoming strikes was impressive. So to throw a bone, and seem realistic, Kent flew into the hit, using his inherent telekinesis to move WITH the force of Mr. Satan’s attacks. Catching himself on the ground, Superboy quickly pulled himself up. Laughing, the young man admitted, “Yeah, never really done much in the way of training, besides sparring and practising with my dad.” Naturally Kent was WAY faster than he was betraying with the current performance that Superboy was giving. Immediately, the kryptonian took off in a roundabout way towards Hercule, taking a zig-zagging path, aiming a punch that was about 75% at his opponent, hoping to get in a hit to the face.

Standing his ground Hercule leaned to the side to let the punch fly past him but he was a fraction too slow. The Champ felt the fist graze his cheek.  Hercule countered with a powerful punch of his own but SuperBoy caught his fist.  They stepped back from each other.  Hercule wiped the blood from his cheek with his thumb.  “Not bad kid.  Not bad at all.  With a little form behind that raw power you could be good.Ha Ha Ha!!!  But not as good as the Champ, right kid?!”

“All RIGHT!!!  Lets get to it!”  Hercule charged forward leaping up and kicking his opponent upraised arms several times before landing and punching Superboy as hard as he could in the chest.  YYYEEEEEoooooowwwww!  It was hitting a steel wall.    Eeeeeee!!  Suddenly Superboy was charging towards towards him Hercule attempted to block and dodge as many of the bows.  Damn the kid is good!  He is getting stronger I can feel it.  I not going to keep it up.  Ahhhhhhh Gah!  Ah man I can’t loose this way!  But there is no way i want to face Goku or Cell.  Everyone will know I am a fake!  I can see it now.  All my fans booing and throwing thing.  I loose everything  There has to be something I can do  but what...?   “Hey Kid why did you join this fight?  You want money , fame, what?”


Hercule took his wide ready stance  “Ok Kiddo I hope your ready cause here we go.”  I’ll just throw a few of my softer moves at him to see what he can take.  Got to draw this out.  Make it look good for he crowd.  Yes Sir it a perfect day to  shoot this.  The cameras are all on my good side.  Hercule have the cameras a quick smile and the victory sign, then he attacked.  Hercule darted forward but not at his top speed wanting to test the boy and give him a work out.  Hercule was surprised that the boy easily blocked his attacks.  Eeee Damn he is good!

Hercule decided to take the match a bit more serous.  He attacked with series of super fast punches then dropped to sweep Superboy’s legs out from under him.

Conner saw the moves coming a mile away. It wasn’t that he was skilled, but when you could fly coast to coast in about 3 hours there was a certain degree of heightened reflexes that came into play. Sloughing off the attacks with ease, Kent kept up, feeling that the blows were light, even for a guy who could only pull around 15 tons.

Of course the subsequent ones had quite a bit more velocity to them, keeping Kent on his toes as he let a few in, even sort of going with them so that the successful ones wouldn’t break Mr. Satan’s fists. Then the sweeping kick came, and Superboy was simply too slow to go in with it, and he just felt a flat smack against his ankles, one that didn’t even make him buckle.

Deciding that he sufficiently gaged how physically tough the human was, Superboy immediately went in with a counterattack, going in for a spin-kick to the face, at about half of what Hercule could dish out himself.

Hercules foot connected with the boys ankle like he had kicked a brick wall.  The didn’t move or even react.  Eeeee What the hell!!!  His foot throbbed but the rest of him felt a cold chill run up him like he had turned to ice.  “Whha Ha Ha!  Guess that stance training I gave you helped huh?  Eeeek!!!” 

Hercule looked up just in time to see a kick coming at his face.  He wanted to freeze but his reflexes took over and he ducked letting the blow fly over his head.  As Superboy’s leg continued it path to the left Herc spun on his right side aiming a barrage of punches at the boys side.  “You’re strong Kid. but your technique needs some work!!”  Hercule stepped back and held his figer up to make his point.  He pointed to Superboys side that he just punched.  “You left yourself wide open!  Why if I wasn’t holding back i could knock you out of this ring right now!!!  Strength isn’t everything you know!  You need speed and agility!!  You should be training more!!!”

Hercule paused to think, standing with his arms crossed.  “No Sir!  In my Dojo this wouldn’t fly.  Someone didn’t train you right boy!! 


The champ strode out to the ring amid the cheers from the crowd.  Ah Yea!!  They love me!!  I am the Champ!!!  Standing in his most impressive pose both fists raised in the air he scanned the crowd.  Hercule took off his cape and threw it out of the ring.  The crowd went wild as he held his World Championship Belt High.  Thrilled at the crowds chanting his name Hercule look towards his opponent.  …’I just gotta say what a HUGE fan I am, sir, I hope it’s a good fight!’…

Huh?  A fan huh!  He’s just a kid.  But that KID had a good build not too muscled out but that don’t mean anything.  Don’t think he is one of Goku’s crew but can’t be too careful.  Ah man just look at the sap.  Doesn’t know how to stand.  The crowd will be booing him before long if he keep that up against me.  

Hercule approached the young man with his an camera swagger.  “Aw come on Kid!  You standing all wrong.  Her let me show you.  Plant you feet like you own the world!  Like Atlas!  Now..”  Hercule slaps his hand around the kids bicep.  Eeee!  Holly crap he is a rock.  “Lift you fist firm into the air as if you are.. well me.  The World’s Champion!!!  You going to knock the teeth out of atlas himself if he leaned down.  Got it?  Go Now Stand tall.

  HEY FOLKS Errr…. LET GIVE A HUGE WELCOME TO MY BIGGEST FAN, SUPERBOY!!!”  Hercule leans towards him  “umm er is that right?  Superboy?”  Hercule stands up raising the kids other hand high with his.  “YEA SUPERBOY, HERE IS GOING TO BRAVELY FACE THE CHAMP!!!!  LET HEAR IT FOT HIM!!!”  YEA!!!  Hercule let the crowd eat it up as He turned them to face all the sides of the ring.

“Feel better kid?”

“Uhhh…” Was all Conner could really come up with as Hercule strolled up, seemingly casually. “Standing…. Wrong?” Not really sure what the man meant. Of course, Conner’s actual training in martial arts was like…. Nil. He’d pretty much been counting on using that awesome kryptonian physique to get through the fights that weren’t like Goku, and basically anyone like him.

Of course, Kent quickly corrected how he stood to mimic what Mr. Satan told him. Standing taller, the young man affirmed, “Got it.” Trying to hold onto the new posture.

Superboy was screaming internally, it was the greatest day ever, for sure. Any other teenage boy, not counting Tim, would probably kill to be in the position that he was in at that moment.

“Definitely, thanks sir.” After the whole show was over, resuming the posture he’d taken before, though putting his center of gravity really low, intent on seeing just how hard Hercule could hit, and get a feel for how hard the punches should be thrown.

Hercule took his wide ready stance  “Ok Kiddo I hope your ready cause here we go.”  I’ll just throw a few of my softer moves at him to see what he can take.  Got to draw this out.  Make it look good for he crowd.  Yes Sir it a perfect day to  shoot this.  The cameras are all on my good side.  Hercule have the cameras a quick smile and the victory sign, then he attacked.  Hercule darted forward but not at his top speed wanting to test the boy and give him a work out.  Hercule was surprised that the boy easily blocked his attacks.  Eeee Damn he is good!

Hercule decided to take the match a bit more serous.  He attacked with series of super fast punches then dropped to sweep Superboy’s legs out from under him.

worldschampion thenextfinest

Now this is the match everyone has been waiting for! It’s our Champ! Mr. Satan!!!


These tournaments wouldn’t be the same without him, truely! And with that monster Cell here, we know we’ll be safe with Hercule here to beat him once again, so have no fear folks! Against our Champ, we haaave: Superboy! What an interesting alias! But also fitting considering who he’ll be fighting against, he’ll have to be super indeed! He’s here to seek thrills and he’s certainly got his wish!  Now, let’s let this SUUUPER match BEEGIN! 

Conner wasn’t just Superboy, he was SuperEXCITED. After watching the man prove his martial dominance over tv for the last few years Conner absolutely HAD to enter the next tournament, and what luck he’d get to face off against the champ almost immediately.

Of course, Kent didn’t intend to go off with his full power against ANY human, so he’d have to gauge it, and only match the man’s actual strength. So that way it’d come down to a contest of speed and skill.

Holding both of his fists up rather haphazardly, as always, the kryptonian called to his opponent, “I just gotta say what a HUGE fan I am, sir, I hope it’s a good fight!”

The champ strode out to the ring amid the cheers from the crowd.  Ah Yea!!  They love me!!  I am the Champ!!!  Standing in his most impressive pose both fists raised in the air he scanned the crowd.  Hercule took off his cape and threw it out of the ring.  The crowd went wild as he held his World Championship Belt High.  Thrilled at the crowds chanting his name Hercule look towards his opponent.  ...’I just gotta say what a HUGE fan I am, sir, I hope it’s a good fight!’...

Huh?  A fan huh!  He’s just a kid.  But that KID had a good build not too muscled out but that don’t mean anything.  Don’t think he is one of Goku’s crew but can’t be too careful.  Ah man just look at the sap.  Doesn’t know how to stand.  The crowd will be booing him before long if he keep that up against me.  

Hercule approached the young man with his an camera swagger.  “Aw come on Kid!  You standing all wrong.  Her let me show you.  Plant you feet like you own the world!  Like Atlas!  Now..”  Hercule slaps his hand around the kids bicep.  Eeee!  Holly crap he is a rock.  “Lift you fist firm into the air as if you are.. well me.  The World’s Champion!!!  You going to knock the teeth out of atlas himself if he leaned down.  Got it?  Go Now Stand tall.

  HEY FOLKS Errr.... LET GIVE A HUGE WELCOME TO MY BIGGEST FAN, SUPERBOY!!!”  Hercule leans towards him  “umm er is that right?  Superboy?”  Hercule stands up raising the kids other hand high with his.  “YEA SUPERBOY, HERE IS GOING TO BRAVELY FACE THE CHAMP!!!!  LET HEAR IT FOT HIM!!!”  YEA!!!  Hercule let the crowd eat it up as He turned them to face all the sides of the ring.

“Feel better kid?”


👞 but purposely misses and hits Mr Satan in the background


“Ha! Your aim really sucks you clown.” Vegeta mocked him for his failed attempt.


Wasn’t aiming for you.” Points behind him to a knocked out Mr Satan.

“W..What hit me?”  Rubs head and discovers huge bump!  “OW!”  Jumps to feet and shakes fist!  “Hey Now  who’s throwing shoes?  You want to fight the Champ you face me in the ring, you coward!”


Gotre looked around at all the people standing around at the WMA’s. She couldn’t believe that this many people had shown up. She then saw Hurcule, who was standing next to one of the contestants.

“Hey! Hurcule! Your fighting!” She then asked him.

Mr. Satan was surprised to hear a familiar voice.  He wiped his hand over his face was put on a big smile for the girl he had grown to love.  “Sweetheart, Why it wouldn’t be a The Worlds Martial Arts Tournament with out yours truly!  I am the reining Champ after all.” 

Hercule  leans over and whispers in her ear.  “I haven’t seen the lists yet.  I don’t suppose you and your Dad are here just to watch.  I don’t recognize ….  Eeeeeeee!”  Hercule flinched back as he saw Cell standing off to the side.  “W…what he doing here.  I thought he was dead!   Gotre what are we going to do?”

“Oh, Well if I win my match I Fight my Dad..But I have to fight Cell in the first round anyway…So if I win It’ll be good!” She smiled. “ I hope you win your rounds , Hurcule, 18 isn’t here this time.” Gotre smiled.

“Yea ummm 18!”  Wish she was here about now.”  Sweating he wiped his brow looking out at the mass of contestants doing their warm ups.  What am I going to do!  I don’t recognize any of these guys except Cell, Goku and Gotre.  Where is Buu or 18 when I need a .. or maybe I don’t.  i don't see anyone her that has Goku attention.  Maybe we gone back to normal money grubbing humans.  I can handle those kind of people!  Yea! I am the Champ for a reason!  .

Hercule checked the posted line up then scanned the contestants again.  Trying to see who was the weakest.  A few canidates caught his eye but he was unsure who they were.  Who was this Super Boy  who was his first match?  Hercule searched for a little boy since this year there was no junior division this year..


Gotre looked around at all the people standing around at the WMA’s. She couldn’t believe that this many people had shown up. She then saw Hurcule, who was standing next to one of the contestants.

“Hey! Hurcule! Your fighting!” She then asked him.

Mr. Satan was surprised to hear a familiar voice.  He wiped his hand over his face was put on a big smile for the girl he had grown to love.  “Sweetheart, Why it wouldn't be a The Worlds Martial Arts Tournament with out yours truly!  I am the reining Champ after all.” 

Hercule  leans over and whispers in her ear.  “I haven't seen the lists yet.  I don’t suppose you and your Dad are here just to watch.  I don’t recognize ....  Eeeeeeee!”  Hercule flinched back as he saw Cell standing off to the side.  “W...what he doing here.  I thought he was dead!   Gotre what are we going to do?”


Welcome all to the XXth Annual World’s Martial Art’s tournament registry! 


This year we have 13 spots available! (16 but 3 spots are reserved for plot shenanigans) And there is no junior division! Young fighters will be fighting in the adult games as well!

Fighters will be selected through a random list generator, and the winners from each round will be selected randomly as well to assure fairness and flexibility in the roleplay. We want this to be as interactive as possible, it wouldn’t be fun if Gohan/Goku/Vegeta just slaughtered everybody, we want there to be a fair chance. The two fighters from each round will be inboxed on who the round’s winner will be, so the fight can be roleplayed through with a goal result in mind. Remember communication is important! Be sure to talk to your fellow roleplayer if you have ideas or think there is any unfairness. You don’t have to be following me, or the other combatants to enter.

Keep in mind though, that this is the tournament that takes place on earth, so if your character is an alien/time patroller they need a good reason to be there. Saiyans who live on earth/aliens that are passable as human/animal person apart from skin colour (since it’s canon that most humans don’t notice) Majins, Namekians ect. are welcome. Aliens like Frieza’s race or things that look a little too strange might not be allowed to participate (Don’t worry, you’ll get your intergalactic tournament soon) 

There will be two weeks between each rounds (quarter finals, semi finals ect.) To give every one enough time to participate without having to worry about missing it for Work or IRL business.

Please submit this form to me here by Friday September 26th.

Tumblr url: Character name: Martial art (optional): Age: Reasons for entering/Introduction for the announcer: 

(I’ll check out your about page for more info, this is mostly for announcer purposes.) If you aren’t interested in entering, we would appreciate it if you were to at least reblog this post to spread the word! Thank you!

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