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@cakeontop / cakeontop.tumblr.com

Lonely, This hopeless love only Hurts

I’m not here for Officer Norman on instagram,the white officer that always films his interactions and good deeds in the poor black neighborhood he patrols. My mom keeps showing me his videos and I cringe every time I see one. There’s just an element of white savior complex that naturally comes from his videos and black poor exploitation that I just can’t get past. Constantly recording his interactions with the citizens making them caricatures makes me uncomfortable. Its like he seems that he’s trying to prove he’s a good person and get attention for himself. Why do we always give non blacks the most when they’re nice to us and non racist? That’s how you’re supposed to be! I’m not about to be starry eyed because a white man was nice to blacks and bought them stuff. At the end of the day he’s still a white cop that has privilege will save his own ass when shit gets tough.

I knew he was good be trash when I hear Norman. Bet Norman ain’t speaking up against brutality at his office tho.

“If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I bet they’d live a lot differently. When you look into infinity, you realize there are more important things than what people do all day.”

Calvin and Hobbes (via hurtlamb)

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