
@whitelilacflower / whitelilacflower.tumblr.com

Don't go through life without goals

Sorry guys, but i have to vent a little. I have always considered Chris to be a person of high intelligence and common sense. I have been looking up to his opinions and insights. I thought, here is finally a celebrity you can look up to and not only look at. But im so dissappointed right now. So many celebrities are showing us that they dont consider covid as a threat, and live their lives as they did before. But i never expected that from Chris. This is about privelege. The privelege of having a special permission to work related travels.

But that does not mean that that you have the permission put others at risk. You may not care about yourself, but this pandemic is bigger than just one person. There are many aspects of it. This post is written out of fear. 

Im at high risk. That means that if i catch covid, i will propably die because of an underlying, not life threating illness. im not allowed to go out among people. Only for walks with my dog, and to the grocery store. I cant visit my family and vice versa. My cousin is a nurse in Britain and my family is in danger. Two of my friends lost their fathers to covid. And if i dont take my precaution, it could happen to me too. I don´t have the privelege to go out, do stupid things and hope for the best. 

What Chris did is incredibly stupid. He is not supposed to hang out in clubs or in a park. He took his privelege and ran with it. And that what dissappoints me. He always seem to think of others, speaking loud agains injustice, even attended BLM protest. But now he uses his platform and privelege for personal gain. He not only needs to protect him self, but also others around him. We all have a responsibility to eachother in this hardship. 

When we travel in general, we put ourselves at risk. But has anybody thought about, that if you get sick in a hard stricken countries like Britain, Spain or Italy, and if you need medical assistance, it would strain that county´s already strained healthsystem? Those countries are already streched enough as it is. They dont have enough ventilators, personel, protective gear. But i guess if you are a celebrity with special travel priveleges, you dont have to worry about being medically taken care of. At the expense of the people who are already struggling. It makes me wanna cry. 

Like i said. Im afraid of whats happening in the world and people who dont take it seriously. Especially those, who you look up too.

And im also a bit angry. Please dont insult my intelligence by trying to convince me, that those pictures in the park were not staged. It smells like a photo op: And im furious that he does this stunt for nothing. Damage control? It is more like irresponsible behavior to prove a point. It was not necessary. Privelege.

Please, no matter who you are, be mindfull and respectful when you are a guest in another country. We need to take care of eachother. Some of us dont have the luxury of living a full life right now.

Im sorry this got so long, i didn´t have another platform  to vent on. Thank you for listening og take care of eachother.


You guys, Sidney Crosby totally looks like a frat guy who is about to try to set a record for how many beer cans he can shotgun in under a minute.

-———————— Photo credit to the original owner. Didn’t mean to find it on Instagram, but I did.


Guess Sid has to go home with his Stanley Cup and Conn Smythe to his 2 Olympic Gold medals,  World Championship Gold 2 Art Ross’s 3 Ted Lindsey’s, 2 Messiers, 2 Harts and his Maurice Rocket Richard and 0 assault cases.

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