
[ID: A small brown and white calf resting their head on the head of a large black longhorn cow. The bigger cow is grazing and paying no mind to the baby.]


"I would kill for you. I would die for you" would you take a break for me? Would you sit down and rest? For a day, a week, a year? Would you let others take care of your needs for me? Would you let yourself be held for me? By me?


🗣️This is important!

America’s puritanical, homophobic, anti-vaccination, anti-sex education, “morality” mentality is killing people.

This information could literally save someone’s life. Please share.



HPV is linked to cancer wherever it's found. We associate it with cervical cancer, but it's linked to uterine, ovarian, throat, tongue, mouth, penile, testicular, AND anal cancers.

The vaccine has never been linked to increased sex in teenagers or unsafe sex practices.

Please, please get vaccinated.

reblogging again to say that i (39f) asked my gynecologist and got the vaccine because of this post! thanks, op! i had never asked before bc i was previously considered "too old." and i don't think they would've asked me had i not spoken up! i know it can be difficult to self-advocate in the doctor's office but i strongly encourage ppl to always ask questions! my doc (very nice lady whose brain seems to be going 1000 miles a minute so i don't rly hold it against her for not asking me) was like, "GREAT, YES, THANK YOU for asking" and was glad to hear that this helpful post was circulating!

It makes me so angry that the conservative Christians who claim this encourages sex have tried so hard to prevent it from being available. We have a vaccine that prevents a form of CANCER and you don't want to protect kids from that?

Because even if you've never had a sex partner apart from your spouse, who you are married to, and do all the things these people say everyone should do with Waiting For Marriage and so forth, you can still get an STI, if the person you are married to has had another partner. Or if they cheat on you. Or if you're sexually assaulted.

So for as much as they harp on Sexual Temptation and so forth, you'd fucking think they'd acknowledge that yeah sometimes bad things happen to people for reasons that are outside of their control.

Except really they just hate people and think bad things that happen to you must be your fault, because God didn't like you anyway.

Anyway, yes, get the HPV vaccine.


I know how it feels to suck. Your bed is not made, you are eating two days old fast food leftovers, you haven't moved your body for fun in weeks or years, you don't open a book to read or study unless you have no option, if you have a instrument it's probably rotting in the loft. I understand. I have been there and when you reflect on it, it sucks. We suck sometimes and it's not fine but it's normal. The thing with adulting is that you exactly get to decide where your life should go to wherever you may be led. So starting with a ten minute walk everyday is better than a four hour gym session once a week, reading a page a day is better than scrolling on instagram, drinking a smoothie is better than the chocolate milkshake. Life is too short to keep cutting out the good things. We can focus on adding on and swapping out while learning to live and love. We can binge on the good things and be better than the rest. It's true although, that sometimes we might suck.

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