
There's a City Inside.

@hellomandilynn / hellomandilynn.tumblr.com

Adventurer. Dreamer. Barista. Bassist.

My boyfriend didn’t go to university until he was 28 because he didn’t feel anywhere near ready when he was 18. He graduated with first-class honours, went on to do a Masters, and is now a history teacher. It’s so much more important to do things when you’re able to fully commit to them and do them to the best of your ability than to rush to do them by an imaginary deadline.


Honestly fuck all this “i hate Valentine’s Day because I’m single” shit. Love is not just romantic. People love in so many different ways it is almost imposible for you not to have someone to celebrate Valentine’s Day with. Bake some cookies with your best friend because you love each other. Watch some cheesy romance movies with your siblings because you love each other.  Give your mom (or mother figure) a home made card because you love each other. Have a dance party to all your favorite love songs because you love yourself. Play with your dog, volunteer for a good cause, call a relative, do something nice for a stranger. There are so many ways you can celebrate love on Valentine’s Day without a significant other. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 


“Babies only cry if they are hungry, need changing, or need to be picked up”


Babies (and small children) also cry for reasons such as:

1. “I am tired and that makes me angry”

2. “I scared myself with a fart”

3. “You are the wrong parent”

4. “I ran into something with my face”

5. “I’m facing the opposite direction then the one I want to”

6. “I fell asleep in one place and woke up somewhere completely different”

7. “I am a very small person in a very big world”

8. “I got scared because YOU farted”

Babies have more then 3 states of being and sometimes you just have to hold them and bounce them gently while saying solemnly “yes it is very hard to be a baby” because frankly it is

you have to remember that when you’re that tiny… pretty much any bad thing that happens to you is LITERALLY the WORST thing that has ever happened in your life. they have no perspective. everything is awful. help them


Sometimes the help you need isn’t the help you want. Call 1-800-273-8255 if you’re thinking of suicide.


This comic meant a whole lot to me. It was sincere in its depiction and treated the issue through the eyes of a grounded person. Not some godly hero saying everything is better than it seems, but a person trying his best before bringing her somewhere who can actually help.


reminder that it is okay feel hurt by the church, to feel alienated, betrayed, and even fearful of trying to trust it again. the church as a human institution is flawed and is often guilty of doing harmful things, and it’s 100% okay to be wary of that – you are not called to adore it blindly and attend services even when you don’t feel safe there. however, you are called to be a part of the Body of Christ, which is often a different entity from human churches. you are called to love and worship God and serve God’s people wherever you can.

trust that Christ will never, ever, do anything to hurt you. no matter what any church has told you, Jesus loves you: unconditionally, undeniably, unendingly. even when trusting the church is difficult, you can always find refuge in him. you can still be a good Christian even when trusting other Christians is hard. you can still worship God even when finding a safe place to worship is hard. 


i randomly wandered into an art gallery with live music and a full cheese spread and im going ape

if u eat it the fey own u tho

that’s the fey’s problem


If you are saying that, you’ve clearly got more bravado than sense.

i don’t have either actually i just have an empty stomach and the ability to make my presence everyone’s problem


As a society, we need to stop assuming that everyone enjoys drinking alcohol.

Lmao @ people who think I’m ridiculous for this post. I’m defensive because alcoholism is a huge issue. Everywhere in the world. Not to mention, I know it’s hard for some of you fucks to believe because of how widely accepted alcohol is, but there are a HUGE amount of people who have personal issues with alcohol. Either being recovering or previous alcoholics themselves, having a close personal tie with someone who abused alcohol, growing up in an unstable alcoholic household, having DEEPLY EMBEDDED family or spouse issues ALL because of alcohol. FUCK OFF with your me being so offended bullshit. Just assume people are sober till you find out on **their** terms they aren’t. Don’t expect that everyone likes to drink. Just like you wouldn’t expect that everyone likes to smoke cannabis, why would you do it with alcohol? (That’s rhetorical, it’s obviously because basically everyone assumes the entire world enjoys drinking). It’s not hard. Don’t offer people drinks unless you know they drink. BYE.


My favorite response when I tell people im straight edge is “what? You’ll never drink ever? Not one drink? I don’t believe you.” And they’ll laugh And I’ll look them straight in their fucking eye and tell them both my parents, and my aunt are recovering alcoholics. The rest of my family? Has never tried, nor ever got the chance to recover from their addiction. It’s by some miracle my mother is alive right now because she drank so much her liver stopped working. She was in a coma for two weeks. The doctors almost gave up on her. My dad was an abusive drunk and then turned to hard drugs and that certainly didn’t help anything. My 3 younger sisters and I were almost put into foster care because of the both of them. I was only about 14 at the time. Making my youngest sister, 7. And because of all of this my family went bankrupt and we were almost homeless. All because of drinking :)

That usually shuts them up real fucking fast but, I shouldn’t have to explain that to anyone. I shouldn’t have to defend my (perfectly healthy!) choices!

If someone tells you they don’t drink, it’s for a fucking reason. Don’t be a dick. Casual alcoholism is a huge fucking problem in the world and its scary that most people can’t see it.


Also, some people just… don’t like drinking. There are people out there who just genuinely do not enjoy drinking alcohol. They don’t like the taste, they don’t like being impaired, and they have no desire to try to force themselves into enjoying it just because someone else thinks it’s “weird”.

There are all kinds of reasons that someone might not choose to drink, and all of those reasons are valid. There’s nothing wrong with it, it doesn’t mean they “can’t have fun”, and I guarantee you they’re not judging you for drinking. And if they are? It’s definitely not as much as they’re being judged for not drinking.

Don’t try to force people to drink. Don’t assume everyone likes to drink. And if someone says they don’t drink? Don’t force them to explain why just to get you to stop hounding them.


There are plenty of reasons to avoid booze and the particulars of someone’s reasons are none of your business. Nobody deserves to catch crap because they don’t imbibe.

the culture of alcohol is disgusting and i want it to stop

Decide in your heart of hearts what really excites and challenges you, and start moving your life in that direction. Every decision you make, from what you eat to what you do with your time tonight, turns you into who you are tomorrow, and the day after that. Look at who you want to be, and start sculpting yourself into that person. You may not get exactly where you thought you’d be, but you will be doing things that suit you in a profession you believe in. Don’t let life randomly kick you into the adult you don’t want to become.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s answer to the question “Any advice to a young person who wants to get into this field?”, from his spectacular reddit IAmA (via apoplecticskeptic)

Source: reddit.com
me, talking about my trauma: haha yeah it was no big deal tho i don’t really care it’s whatever honestly
somebody: validates my trauma and says i shouldn’t have had to go through that
me, suddenly crying: huh. weird

I love how baby boomers will talk about child-rearing like “I was beaten and repressed as a kid and turned out fine” and then like fifteen minutes later they’ll be like “A cashier at a clothing store wouldn’t take my expired coupon, this is a PERSONAL AFFRONT and you have to help me get them FIRED.”

Like. Are you sure you turned out fine, though? Cuz like. It seems like maybe you didn’t.


“Hey guys, I’m sorry, my husband broke a plate when he was making breakfast and cut himself pretty badly and I had to run out and buy super glue to try to stop the bleeding.”

The reasons why I’m late to work always sound made up.

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