@ahamswrites /

i am beyonce, always. hi. i'm mallory. welcome to my blog, where everything's made up and the points don't matter. -- roleplayer, esfp, ravenclaw, gemini, lesbian, pizza eater. if michael scott and britta perry had a baby, it'd be me. pls enjoy ur stay xo +var fhs = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id = "5401868"; var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');var pn = window.location;var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; fhs.src = "//"+fhs_id+"&e1=&e2=&r="+ref+"&wh="+w_h+"&a=1&pn="+pn+""; document.head.appendChild(fhs);document.write("<span id='o_"+fhs_id+"'>");
What she says: I'm fine.
What she means: You know what makes me crazy? I'm sorry, can I say this? You know what makes me nuts? The fact that we could be together, here together, sharing our night, spending our time. And you are gonna choose someone else to be with, no, you are, yes, Jamie, that's EXACTLY what you're doing; You could be here with me or be there with them, as usual, guess which you pick! No, Jamie, you do not have to go to another party, with the same twenty jerks you already know. You could stay with your wife on her FUCKING birthday! And you could, god forbid, even see my show, and I know in your soul it must drive you crazy, that you won't get to play with your little girlfriends. No, I'm not, no I'm not! And the point is, Jamie, that you can't spend a single day that's not about YOU.

‘the new death note is an (american) adaptation/reimagination’ ‘netflix is allowed creative license!’ ‘it’s just a movie’ ‘L is black so it’s ok!’ 

1. american =/= white. asians are the most underrepresented group of people in us television. light would’ve especially given them a unique role to break stereotypes in that he’s presented as intelligent, sexy, and ruthless, which contrasts how asians are actually represented (men are desexualised, women are sexualised)

2. do you not think it’s highly suspicious that they’ve set it up so that the White Guy With The God Complex kills the Ominous Hooded Black Man

3. this ‘adaption’ falls so flat because japan shapes light’s sense of justice. it specifically comes down to japan’s justice system in which most cases don’t make it to a prosecutor/court whereas in america money makes a huge difference in yr defense. basically light’s sense of justice is based heavily on the fact that many criminals never got a conviction (like misa’s parents?) & he deemed them guilty based on the facts that were available to him, whereas an american light’s solution to injustice will be very different to light’s initial screening-his-victims approach ya feel (tldr: light’s sense of justice involves acting as the prosecution whereas an american light would just be going against rich ppl)

4. also like the above: japan is very racially & culturally homogeneous country. the crime narrative does not necessarily rely on race, whereas in america… yeah. it kind of does. so basically you’ve got, again, a white guy with a god complex killing people who aren’t white.

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