
@revenant-nerisvyre / revenant-nerisvyre.tumblr.com

Nerisvyre | She/her | 26 | Ace | Eclectic amalgamation of interests, or just stuff. Sometimes current events

Was diana-the-nightstalker, now revenant-nerisvyre.

Would have just kept it at nerisvyre, but it was already taken by someone who’s not been on in 5 years


I'm a law abiding citizen but something about working six times harder than my grandparents for a sixth of what they had is persuasive


i’m taking the words “fetish” and “kink” away from the internet until you people learn what sexual attraction is

objectification too like it's called "objectification" because the subject of someone's sexual desire is being treated as an object with no desires of their own. there's nothing wrong with thinking a person is sexy as long as you don't forget they're a person. holy shit people

"sexualization and objectification are the same thing” comes straight from “sex is an intrinsically degrading act” and frankly I’m not into that vibe in the slightest



Some people hold onto memories, while others are haunted by them, unable to escape. That is why I took action. I want to know what she is. What have you done, beautiful “ranger?”Excuse me... are you asking me?

Having a vagina honestly sucks bc it's like you have to do fucking alchemy just to prevent yourself from getting sick. You've got an intricate ecosystem of microorganisms down there that you're dependent on for your own well-being and they can be set off by the tiniest fucking thing

Keeping your pubes too short can cause yeast infections, but letting them get too long can also cause yeast infections. Washing the area with specialized soap can help prevent yeast infections, but it can also cause them. Your periods can cause yeast infections, and so can the medicine you take to stop your periods. Having sex can cause yeast infections, especially if the person you're having sex with is diabetic (???). Being diabetic can cause yeast infections. Wearing the wrong clothes or eating the wrong things can cause yeast infections. Not getting enough fucking sleep can cause yeast infections. The list is neverending

Luckily, yeast infections are fairly easy to treat with OTC medicine that you can find at any Walmart. BUT! Even if all of your symptoms indicate that you have a yeast infection, you have to take a test first to confirm that it's a yeast infection (they do not sell the tests at Walmart) bc you might actually have the opposite of a yeast infection (bacterial vaginosis) which has the exact same symptoms as a yeast infection but is caused by an imbalance of different microorganisms. And if you use yeast infection medicine to treat a bacterial infection it will light your pussy on fire. So if you have a bacterial infection, you must instead visit your local witch doctor (gynecologist) and get prescribed special potions (antibiotics) to treat it

Antibiotics can also cause yeast infections

Reboot for afab health tips

Not all afab people have vaginas actually, and trans women & transfems who undergo bottom surgery are just as capable of getting vaginal yeast infections as people who were born with their vaginas. I appreciate the urge to use inclusive language, but this post is not exclusive to afab people! In cases like these, naming the specific body part (ie. "vagina health tips") is more precise and inclusive


Avatar: The Last Airbender 1.05 | The King of Omashu


Wow those moves look like someone who’s childhood best friend was an airbender

…Shit, you’re right. 

That spin he does. That is an airbendery move. 

Literally the exact same move Aang pulls when he gets off his glider (cant find a gif but like… I promise)

This shows attention to detail was unreal.

Even the fall backwards! That looks like the exact kind of thing a fun loving Airbender kid would do while showing off gliders and airbending proficiency.

the best benders in this show tend to be the ones who adapt elements of other bending techniques. Bumi has some airbender-y movements, Zuko and Iroh use some Air and Water movements, even Katara tends to use some earthbender looking moves when bending ice

Meanwhile Toph just took earthbending and cranked it all the way up to 11.

Everyone else: The spice of variety! The four elements make mine stronger! Ballerina time!

Toph:….meTal….bendy bendy

take into account that Toph might not be able to take other bending styles into her own. Because those styles (especially fire and air) require you to lift your feet off the ground and for Toph she would lose her way of connecting to the world like he’s used too.

Toph took earthbending, made it her bitch, and made it adapt to her needs as a disabled person.

oh shit you right.


i literally can’t listen to tik tok by kesha without thinking about that goddamn star trek tos fanvid…you know the one

this fucking video

Congrats to the creator of this video for being the only funny person on the internet ever

And now you know what perfection looks like

Best part:

‘That Kesha tweet was probably faked …’ *checks* ‘… HUH.’


It's still kinda wild how Phineas and Ferb managed to completely hijack an idiom. Now whenever someone hears a sentence leading with "If I had a nickel for everytime [...]", odds are their brain auto fills with "I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice," rather than "I'd be rich," or "I could [action that requires purchasing something requiring an obscene amount of money]". Y'know, what the idiom originally was

the thing is, the phineas and ferb version is just so much funnier and more actually applicable

original idiom is "anything that happens a lot"

p&f version is "weirdly specific thing that happens more times than would really make sense"


kinda obsessed with these, clearly beginner, rings on Etsy being marketed as garnet when i'd bet money that they are glass

the metal work is. certainly better than what i've ever made, so i don't want to speak to harshly. but uh. um.

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