
What Do I Put Here?


So I sorta reblog a bit of everything. Anons are always welcome!

being gay is way more fun when you have someone to be gay with

i think most people are interpreting this as wanting a partner, but also being gay is way better when you have a bunch of gay friends


it’s weird how middle names are like………. this normal thing, but also secret

reblog + add in the tags your middle name so we’ll all know 


you’re really cute and its ruining my life because i think about kissing you all the time


you know what, if sherlock and john were real people who actually lived in the late 1800s and loved each other, The Other Fans and condescending scholars and like college professors probably, would treat them exactly the way they do now and Completely ignore the historical evidence for their relationship, ‘yes yes, they were buried next to one another… like a married couple, but that’s obviously because their platonic bond was stronger than average. this is also evident from the letters found on dr watson’s night stand shortly after his death. they may read like love letters but the truth is much deeper than that. those two men shared a friendship so profound, so deeply platonic it blows our fucking minds to this day. no, striktly speaking we can’t prove that mary watson ever existed but???? she must have???? watson was married, he literally said so in his books???? why were holmes and watson buried wearing matching rings, you ask? that’s interesting though we just don’t know. this is very unusual, given the historical context. was it some sort of symbol? of friendship and loyality? we have no idea. we will probably never find out. maybe the undertaker fucked up? we jUST DONT KNOW BUT THEY WER E NOT HOMOSEXUaLING TOGETHER DO YOU HEAR??????? YOU GODLESS HEATHENS


we do a lot of stuff we don’t realise like breaking someone’s heart and never suspecting they had a crush on us, or having your hand on your boob for 3 hours straight

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