
Your Personal Guide Through The Life Of Dana

@canadiandana / canadiandana.tumblr.com

A place for me to post all of my nerdy obsessions like metal and gaming. And a little bit of pure Dana along the way. You can also find me on: EZ-Mode Unlocked Twitter, Last.FM _uacct = "UA-4479678-1"; urchinTracker();

Time has an interactive feature to discover what your name would be if you were born today, based on popularity of your birth year vs. now.

My name would be Mylah. With all apologies to anyone named Mylah, I am now very happy to be named not Mylah.

Christopher. Meh


Piper. (2015) which is interesting because Piper was on the short list of girls names for our daughter and possible second daughter.

But more importantly I would have been a Myrtle in the 30's, so I really missed out. You could have called me "Mert" for short.

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