
في خضم الايام الاشد هدوءا ستلاحظ انتفاضات الغيوم و مرارة الخبز اليومي ستلاحظ ان العصفور على الشجرة ينتحب و لا يغني سترى الشمس تحترق و لا تضيء سترى النجوم غبار اموات و ستضن ان الموتى ليسو في مكان اجمل و ان الحب مصنع للألم لا غير.. لذلك يجب ان تحب ضجيجك اليومي .. الهدوء اصعب من زحمة الافكار.


Brutally Honest Rules for Language Learners

  1. If you can`t make your own examples to a grammar rule, you don`t know this grammar rule.
  2. Learning words without context is almost useless. You may repeat something like “road” or “deeply” millions of times and still forgetting them in the most important situations. Memorize phrases instead. e. g. “I crossed the road” and “to be deeply ashamed”.
  3. Prioritize. There are almost 500 000 words in the English language and even more in some non-European languages. If you decide to learn 5 words a day, you`ll need a shitload of time to cover at least the third of the whole vocabulary. So, know precisely what words are the most frequent and the most important for you personally.
  4. No, you won`t learn a language by listening to songs ONLY.
  5. If your level of knowledge is Intermediate or higher, you don`t need the fucking subtitles. Well, in the beginning, you will have a terrible headache and doubts about the whole thing, but every video will be making you a little better. You`ll slowly get used to the accents and intonation. It`ll stop to sound like the endless phrase without any pauses. Just give yourself some time.
  6. Translation from the native language to the target language is useless (if you`re not going to become an interpreter). Write the short texts in your target language instead.
  7. Forget about boring topics from the textbooks. Argue with somebody in the comment section under your fav YouTube videos. Try to persuade me that the Earth is flat (I know it`s insane, but you`ll remember it much better than writing the essay “The current problems of ecology”). Rewrite your own posts. Write down 15 phrases do describe Donald Trump. I mean… Everything is better than a standard way of learning that doesn`t express your inner self. 
  8. Check the pronunciation of ALL the words. ALL the time. Your intuition is a great tool. However, it doesn`t cure all the irregular cases. Just look at English words “daughter” and “laughter”, “head” and “heat”, “though” and “thought”. They look almost similar but they sound in ABSOLUTELY different ways. There`s a possibility that your target language also has a lot of such cases. Just spend few seconds on looking at the transcriptions. It doesn`t hurt, I promise.

Straight women should unionize


What the actual FUCK

This right here is a HUGE red fucking flag. If you’re in a relationship with someone who wants complete control over finances, especially to the point where you don’t even have access to money, this is an attempt to control and isolate. They will use ALL sorts of excuses. “I’m better with money” “You spend too much” “You’re too impulsive” etc. It has nothing to do with looking out for you or money. It’s straight up abuse and will likely lead to worse.


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