
Fluffy chubby bbies, inc.

@sgtblaino / sgtblaino.tumblr.com

Pokemon enthusiast, saxophonist, writer, very big gamer. Icon by soothe-bell.tumblr.com

Seaside Colossus, Buizilla

An enormous Buizel with friendly demeanor. Loves to laze around in the large bodies of water.

This is the Summer version of Fire Emblem Heroes Bui. Instead of using an axe, he’s a blue mage~


WOW I can’t wait for the HMS Sweet Flips @theadventurezone spinoff, featuring probably the most careful possible kisses and also a beautiful robot adopted daughter!!

That was such a good episode and there are approx. 9 million things I want to draw from it but this seemed like a good place to start


What’s this? A Globule redesign or am I just having a laugh?

(mostly just having a laugh)


Had fun with that Granbull Police mascot at the Police Station in Pokémon SuMo


I’m trying out selling stickers now yay!

Telegram Stickers Information Examples of the stickers I’ve made PLEASE READ: -Paypal Only - I will only be taking THREE of these at a time! I will keep a list in this journal version of these details if needed at the bottom of the journal! If more than three people would like them I can set up a waitlist as well. -I feel it will be easier to take these commissions through email, but I will need all the following to be present within the email: 1) References of the character you want to be drawn 2) The emojis you want for each stickers 3) YES or NO to posting on my social media like tumblr or FA and if YES: A url I can link back to you upon posting. My email: sbdubss@gmail.com Detail on Prices: 5 pack will be sold between $35-$40 depending on the difficulty of your character and or details you’d like. And please, no NSFW. If I am uncomfortable with drawing something I have a right to say no.

Thank you for reading!

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