

@mekhack / mekhack.tumblr.com

I draw pictures and take stupid photos... Mostly I just reblog fashion and things I find amusing. "You have my sword." "And my hacks."               Sidebar by theoctopusnods var sc_project=11427409; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="b456bbc6"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");

i was reading about the myth of prometheus today when the phrase "new liver, same eagles" popped into my mind, so i'm keeping that in mind for the next time someone asks me how it's going


this is what plays when you’re dying and your life is flashing before your eyes


*puts this on my End Of The World playlist*


Ok @peachcrushedvelvet is 100% accurate but here are several other situations I feel this beautiful creation could apply to

1. End of the world type of experience as noted above by @nero-neptune i.e. meteors falling and people running, things exploding and desperately trying to survive

2. Desperately running through your house avoiding attackers (guns, projectiles, of some type)

3. You’re in a library and you accidentally knock something over which knocks over all of the shaves domino style and you’re running down the hallway with them falling in the background. 

Everybody please contribute

4. You finally experience love at first sight, but they’re in the middle of a bank heist and you’re getting caught in the cross fire

5. You’re getting arrested in roller skates at the laundromat

6. Intergalactic space travel in the form of a gay cruise

  1. you are falling off a very tall biulding

7. The world has already ended, humans have been wiped from the face of our planet, save for a few survivors. You are one of those survivors. As you stroll through the streets of an abandoned city, crumbling skyscrapers around you, this echos out of an old school diner whose neon sign still flickers in the dusk.

Source: youtube.com

rb this with ur opinion on this shade of pink:


This is magenta, and not pink. Unlike pink, magenta doesn’t actually exist. Our brain just invents magenta to serve as what it considers a logical bridge between red and violet, which each exist at opposite ends of a linear spectrum.

TL;DR this color is fake (and also I hate it)


Wait til you learn about Stygean Blue

Your brain is a badly-designed hot mess of bootstrapped chemistry that will tell you that all kinds of shit is happening that has no correlation to physical reality, including time travel. It just makes things up. Your brain is guessing about what’s happening when your eyes saccade, what’s happening in your blind spot, and what the majority of the visible light spectrum looks like, and you don’t know it’s happening because it doesn’t aid your survival to become aware that a lot of what you see is fake.

The human eye only has three types of color sensitive cones, which detect red, blue, and green light. Your brain is making up every other color you perceive.

Let’s have a little fun with that thought. This is the visible spectrum of light.

You will of course note that yellow is on the chart. Yellow has a discreet wavelength, and is therefore a distinct physical color. But we can’t see it.

“Sorry, what the fuck?”

What we call yellow is just what our brain shrugs and spits out when our red and green cones are equally stimulated. We have light receptors that can pick up on the physical spectrum of light we call yellow: that’s why yellow things don’t just look like moving black blocks to us. But your brain has no fucking idea what the color yellow looks like. 

Some animals have eyes that can perceive the color yellow! Goldfish have a yellow cone in their eyes. If they could talk, they could tell us what yellow looks like. But we wouldn’t be able to understand it.

What your brain actually sees of the color spectrum:

We can measure the wavelength of light, so we know that when we see ‘yellow,’ we are seeing light in that 550-ish nanometers range. But we don’t have a cone in our eyes that can pick that up. Your brain just has a very consistent guess about what color that wavelength of light could be. We decided to name that guess ‘yellow.’ We can’t imagine what yellow really looks like any more than a dog can imagine the color red.

Here’s the funny thing: your brain is never perceiving just one photon of light at a time. Something like 2*10⁸ photons per second are hitting your retina under normal conditions. Your brain doesn’t individually process all of them. So it averages them out. It grabs a bunch of photons all coming from the same direction, with the same pattern, and goes, “yeah, that cup is blue, fuck it, next.”

That’s how colors blend in our eyes. So sure, if a photon of light with a wavelength of 550 nanometers bounces into our eyes, we see what we call “yellow.” But if we see two photons at the same time, coming from the same object, one of which is 500 nms and the other of which is 600 nms, your brain will average them out and you will still see yellow even though none of the light you just saw was 550 nms.

So how does magenta factor into this?

Well, as we’ve just established, when your brain sees light from two different slices of the visible light spectrum, it will try to just average them together. Green plus red is yellow, fuck it. If it’s more red than green, we’ll call that ‘orange.’ Literally who gives a shit, we’re trying to forage over here. There are bears out here and it’s so scary.

What happens if you take the average of blue and red light, which we perceive to be magenta? What’s the centerpoint of that line?

Fucking green.

Hey, that’s not gonna work? We live on a planet where EVERYTHING IS GREEN. If something is NOT green, that means it’s either food, or a potential source of danger, and either way your brain wants you to know about it.

So your brain goes, WHOOPS. Okay - this is fine. We already made up yellow, orange, cyan, and violet. We’ll just make up another color. Something that looks really, really different from green. 

And so it made up magenta.

So, physics-wise, is magenta “real?”

No; there’s no single wavelength of light that corresponds to magenta. But you’re rarely seeing only a single wavelength of light anyway. And even when you are, every color other than RGB is a dart thrown on the wall by your meat computer. This is the CIE Chromaticity Diagram:

Explaining this thing is a little more than I want to take on on a Saturday morning, but I’ve included a link above that goes into it a little more. The point is that only the colors that actually touch the ‘outline’ of the shape actually correspond to a specific wavelength of light. All of the other colors are blends of multiple wavelengths. So magenta isn’t special.

Given that color is just a fun trick your brain is playing on you to help you find food and avoid danger, is magenta real?

Yeah, absolutely. Or at least, it’s just as real as most of what we see. It’s what we see when we mix up blue and red. It would be disastrous from a survival standpoint to perceive that color as green, so we don’t. Because it’s not green. Light that’s green has a wavelength of around 510 nm. Stuff that’s magenta bounces back light that is both ~400 and ~700. Your brain knows the difference. So it fills in the gap for you, with the best guess it has, same as it does with your blind spot.

The perception of color exists within your brain, and your brain says you see magenta. So you see magenta.




the trouble is humans are literally structured to find “a wizard did it” a more plausible explanation than things just happening by accident for no reason.


How dare a wizard make humans think like this

goddamn it here we go again


not to be a monsterfucker but this sphinx is…..kinda sexy

ma’am i will answer your riddles any day of the week

sphinx got him

Pretty sure she counts as monstrous lol

oh so we’re gatekeeping monsterfucking now huh


to be fair gatekeeping is kind of sphinxes thing


People who try to tell me things are ‘not that deep’ fundamentally misunderstand me, I am not a fish desperately in search of the ocean, I am a magpie that roves the canons, searching for shiny things to put in my nest. Whether or not it actually is given deep narrative weight by canon itself is of secondary importance to the fact that it has the potential to be interesting, and thus, I covet it.


“It’s not that deep”

Maybe not originally, but the ground is soft and I’m ready to dig.


“The ground is soft and I’m ready to dig” is the best description of the fanfic attitude I’ve ever seen. 


You CANNOT serve from an empty vessel but go off I guess

OP what does this mean?

When your friends are hungry, you cannot serve them from an empty breadbasket, no matter how good your intentions. When they're thirsty, you cannot serve them from an empty pitcher, no matter the effort you put in.

We have to stock ourselves with good things before we are able to give them away, and if we are too exhausted to make bread, we must rest before we can make it to serve our friends. If we are too hungry to serve, we must eat some bread ourselves first.

It's a metaphor for emotional exhaustion. When we wear ourselves down it makes it difficult or impossible to help the people around us, and all the effort and good intentions in the world can't make up for the fact that our vessels are empty. It's hard to not want to serve when our friends are in trouble, but trying to serve from an empty vessel often leaves both of you floundering.

On the contrary, when we care for ourselves and are kind to our body and mind, we are full vessels, and serving the people around us becomes easier. That's why it's important to take time for ourselves once in a while, to refill ourselves with good things.


In the event of a sudden pressure change, put on your own oxygen mask before helping a companion with theirs if needed.


I have never seen this concept so perfectly and eloquently articulated.

You cannot serve from an empty vessel.


Do u ever think about how dogs, who have 2 colour receptors, see an apple as grayish yellow, while humans have 3 and see it as red, and mantis shrimp have 12, and see it another monstrous colour altogether?

How none of us are necessarily correct, and the apple itself, is not really any colour, it’s just a fruit minding its own goddamn business??

Fucking fascinating


If you think about it just a bit too much like I did, you'll reach the conclusion that nothing really tastes, sounds, looks, feels or smells. It's just your brain's interpretation of chemical composition, vibrations, the way things reflect light, more vibrations and chemical composition again

Reality can’t be proven to exist outside of our ability to perceive it through our senses but our senses can’t be trusted so basically nothing is real do what you want

Today on Tumblr Accidentally Recapitulates Wittgenstein's Theory of Experiential Epistomology

Tfw you shitpost so hard you accidentally write a beautiful summary of the defining breakthrough of 20th century philosophy.

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