
Slow internet is slow.....

@mathewryf / mathewryf.tumblr.com

21+ | Leo | Rat | He/Him | I'm very much a dog person Credit to @ajolteontrash for the wonderful header, and @kue-rangi for the Avatar! You might know what I'm going to do, but that's not going to help you since I know everything you're going to do! Strange, isn't it!? GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Like what is trump gonna do worse? Make snarky tweets?


Comments in the vein of OP's also show a very little interest in how even today, not as president, Trump's 'snarky tweets' lead to almost any individual citizen he trashes being stalked, doxxed, and threatened by his followers. (And haven't considered how he might go beyond snarky tweets considering he once made a big deal out of how as President it was 'legal for him' to have enemies assassinated.)

Also it shows a very short memory as to how his 'snarky tweets' last time he was president, about how BLM protesters were terrorist thugs and putting down other minorities also led to increasing pushback and violence against them by white nationalists who figured he was giving them a wink, nod, and get out of jail free card.

When someone has followers like Trump's, 'snarky tweets' are not just harmless internet trolling, and when he is in a position of power it is a bigger problem.


Trump didn't "once make a big deal" out of how it should be legal for him, as president, to have his enemies assassinated. This is what his legal team has been CURRENTLY arguing to the Supreme Court in an ongoing hearing over (his) presidential immunity.

Essentially: Trump committed crimes in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election. The crimes are numerous, and he has been charged and stands to serve trial. However, Trump and his legal team argue that since he was president at the time, he is immune from ALL criminal charges UNLESS he is impeached (and convicted!) first. Because remember, being served with articles of impeachment doesn't mean that a president has been successfully impeached and therefore removed from office. They have to be impeached and convicted. And Trump and his team have been arguing that, since Trump was president and was not impeached and convicted, it was (and would be) legal for him to do anything that he wants, including assassinating political opponents and silencing critics in any way that he desires.

His case was heard before lower circuits courts, who told him that no, being president doesn't grant full immunity. But Trump's team appealed it and it has gone all the way to the Supreme Court. Mind you, the Supreme Court has a 6-3 conservative majority, and THREE of those conservative justices were appointed by Trump. While the Supreme Court is dithering around and taking their sweet time to announce their position (all in all stalling so that Trump's campaign for president can continue without the pesky criminal trials getting in the way), all of the coverage so far points to them actually siding with Trump on his claim of presidents having some degree of immunity for acts committed in office after they leave it.

"During more than two-and-a-half hours of oral argument, some of the court’s conservative justices expressed concern about the prospect that, if former presidents do not have immunity, federal criminal laws could be used to target political opponents." [x]

Of course, this is horseshit; if presidents don't actually commit crimes while in office, there is nothing to prosecute them for. The only reason Trump is being prosecuted is because he broke the fucking law, and is arguing that he should be allowed to break the law because he was president. For those skeptical, here is an audio clip from the Supreme Court hearing where Trump's attorney outlines that their argument extends immunity to assassinations (among other crimes).

So this isn't something that Trump just ranted about on Twitter or his own social media (Truth Social or whatever it's called). This is an on-going Supreme Court decision that is going to have ramifications for decades to come in this country -- and, in the short-term, is most likely going to delay Trump's criminal trials over these issues past November, meaning that he'll be able to run for president without those getting in the way. Which, naturally, is exactly what the conservative justices on the Supreme Court want and is why they're stalling for so long. Because if he's reelected, at least two of them (Thomas and Alito) will retire so that he can choose their replacements, securing the 6-3 majority for at least another 20 years. Which is exactly how things like Roe v. Wade being overturned happen, how things like "well presidents can actually order assassinations of their rivals, that's fine" happen, and most likely how same-sex marriage gets overturned happens as well. The presidential election is NOT just about the executive branch; the judiciary matters just as much, if not more, since the justices don't have term limits and we don't get to vote them out.

Also, speaking again of his crimes and his "snarky tweets" -- first of all, his tweets weren't snarky, don't misuse that word. More importantly though, Trump was the one who (at a rally) stoked the January 6th attempted insurrection, and then continued to stoke those fires on twitter, and also had been stoking them for the months leading up to January 6th by making false claims about election fraud and how his base was being robbed and the country was being stolen. There is a reason he was banned from twitter, and it's not just because he was "snarky" (he wasn't); it's because what he posted from his twitter account caused real, actual harm that resulted in violence against real, actual people. The fact that this still needs to be laid out for people is appalling. I know we all joke about memory issues, but this was not long ago at all.

Vote against him in November, for the Supreme Court if nothing else. If you're going to be a single-issue voter, have THAT be your issue, because the Supreme Court being weighted so heavily in conservatives' favor fucks the entire country over for decades to come, and we have already felt those ramifications.


nothing makes me feel more well adjusted than hearing about the problems that straight people in the periphery of my life are always having

my aunt's new guy broke into my ex uncle's garage and filled his bowling balls with caulk


Friendly reminder that Popeye is bigender, because their gender is "amphibious".

And when the official Popeye Twitter account was asked what Popeye's pronouns were, Popeye answered:

I ain't use pronouns on account o' all me nouns are amateurs!

Popeye is a non-binary icon, and that's a fact.


The Panthers used to ride around and follow the police.

So the cops would pull over some sorry black person, and get ready to rough him up, but then there were the Panthers right behind them. Watching, armed to the teeth, and citing legal statutes. It’s inspirational.

Bring it back.

Bring this back.


For real.

That’s why the FBI broke them up, isn’t it ?


That among other community initiatives. They had weapons training, self defense, their free breakfast program and ran a newspaper. They raised money to pay for bail and legal funding for people. And they used to notify the community of their rights and encourage people to know the laws and protest the one which were unjust. That type of shit irked the local police and damned sure struck a nerve with the FBI. They were taking back the streets and providing the protection the police were never interested in bringing to their neighborhoods from the very start. So it’s always fuck the FBI for me.

To be more specific they were communists distributing and teaching communist theory to their communities. Their organization also functioned and was organized by Marxism. And within that context it was Very Bad for the Black Panthers to be doing a better job of taking care of their communities than capitalists were.

For example, aside from aiming to monitor and end police brutality they also cared Deeply about their communities. So much that they also provided healthcare which included ambulances and vaccines. Black neighborhoods often had to wait Way longer for ambulances when necessary so the Black Panthers stepped up. They even had free clinics-funded by donations and ran by professionals- that provided some basic services that Black people were being underserved in.

Each local chapter was responsible for raising funds for its clinic from local businesses, churches, and healthcare professionals. Trusted volunteer professionals staffed the free clinics. These professionals included physicians, nurses, pharmacists, lab technicians, and medical students who also trained community members to staff the clinics as lab technicians, patient advocates, and community health workers.
[…]PFMCs primarily provided first aid and basic services such as childhood vaccinations and screenings for high blood pressure, lead poisoning, tuberculosis, and diabetes. In 1971 PFMCs began community education and screening of sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease mainly affecting people of African ancestry.

Free breakfast in school?

Also the Black Panthers. They saw hungry kids who were getting bad grades and falling asleep and decided to feed them to see if it helped. It did. So much so that schools and governments started implementing it.

Free Breakfast For School Children was one of the most effective. It began in January 1969 at an Episcopal church in Oakland, and within weeks it went from feeding a handful of kids to hundreds. The program was simple: party members and volunteers went to local grocery stores to solicit donations, consulted with nutritionists on healthful breakfast options for children, and prepared and served the food free of charge.
School officials immediately reported results in kids who had free breakfast before school. “The school principal came down and told us how different the children were,” Ruth Beckford, a parishioner who helped with the program, said later. “They weren’t falling asleep in class, they weren’t crying with stomach cramps.

Between healthcare, Marxism, providing food, monitoring police, and showing everyone that aid could be provided through voluntary donations and free of cost to those receiving it….

The Black Panthers were dangerous to capitalism.

(Wikipedia: Free Breakfast for Children, accessed 12 May 2024)


Great news everyone. There was a kitten wandering in the drive thru at work and my inner warrior cats kid tried to be a hero and capture him.

I have now suffered multiple puncture wounds and have to go to the emergency room.

Me: I shall become his mother and gain his trust

Me talking to an animal control officer five minutes later: he is a nasty horrid little boy and I am bleeding heavily

Animal control officer on the phone: So he’s in your car with you?

Me: Um. It’s his car now and he’s very mad at me.

Second animal control officer: oh you captured him and got him in your car? He’s friendly?

Me, my right hand completely wrapped in paper towels: wouldn’t say that

Urgent Care Nurse: Wow it’s strange he managed to get you so many times.

Me: I uh. Did not let go.

You vibe as someone prone to toxic relationships

People on tumblr will just say anything huh.

Oh cmon, "he hurt me a lot cause i couldn't let go" absolutely has double interpretation.

Me, holding a cat (of unknown gender) as it repeatedly digs its little teeth deep into my flesh: Is this… too… yuri?

This website is free

We pay in other ways.


I believe this is either a Toshiba Satellite T1850 or T1910. Image dates back to 2008, and I wonder if it ran in that state.


The most valuable thing I learned doing a Masters degree with depression, anxiety and ADHD was to change my “things I’m bad at” list to “things I can’t do on my own.” Stop thinking of them as things I could do if I tried hard enough, and accept that I can’t accomplish them by effort and willpower alone; they’re genuine neurocognitive deficits, and if I need to do the thing, then just like a blind person reading or a mobility impaired person going up a storey in a building, I need to find a different method.

I’m “bad at” working on long-term projects without an imminent deadline or someone breathing down my neck? Okay, let’s change that: I can’t work on long-term projects without an imminent deadline and someone breathing down my neck. So let’s create an imminent deadline and recruit neck-breathers. Find a sympathetic prof who will agree that 3 weeks before the due date they expect me to show them my preliminary notes and bibliography. Get a friend I trust to block off an hour to sit with me and keep asking, “Are you working on your project?” Write a blog post about my progress. Arrange to trade papers and proofread them with another student.

Accept your limitations and learn to leverage them, instead of buying the neurotypical fairytale that they’ll go away if you just try hard enough.

I needed this so much.

…holy shit

holy shit


i honestly forget that autism mums say 'autism won today' to mean like their kid had a meltdown and that they are ableist. like nooo autism win means something like i found something cool out about my special interest or i managed to avoid a meltdown or i got to infodump!!!!! autism win is good!!!!!!


Sorry, I haven’t done my work, yeah, I’m in spoon jail. Yeah, I was in really bad spoon debt, and I stopped paying my spoon taxes. Yeah, I can’t do anything until I gather enough spoons to pay my spoon bail.


All my “I can barely crawl to the bathroom” days will now be referred to as “spoon debtor’s prison days”.


christian rock bands are a backbone genre in the amv scene

christian rock band making a song: i dedicate this one to you jesus

unwell 12 year old girl who is a couple years away from having a gender crisis: this is so naruto and sasuke

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