
From Autumn, to Ashes.

@a-polarised-reality / a-polarised-reality.tumblr.com

The light was so bright that we all looked away.
I could still be like a river of light in your arms.

Clara Janés, tr. by Louis Burne, from “I Don’t Know,” written c. 1973 (via violentwavesofemotion)


i make up rules for myself & then i break them. i promise i will drink less

& walk more & call my mom. i promise i’ll stop living so much inside my head.

helga floros, from “Insomnia,” published in Occulum

Source: occulum.net
Carrying a day is like carrying a mountain, those endless small words men use to guard their helplessness. Put your day down. Come to the bank in the snow wearing grace and pain, the silence at the end of sentences. Breathe the snow and the sad odor of human dust. All the roads are inside you, even the desire not to desire brooding over your own horizon. The innocents await you. There is no one to wish farewell except yourself in the orphaned dark.

Terrance Keenan, “Lullaby of Crossing the River” (via litverve)

We’re only
as useless as you make us.         Praise sound.       The smallest    lyric.        The way we use the dead      to live.

—  Chelsea Dingman, from “Morning Benedictions with Dead Baby Syndrome,” published in The Adroit Journal

We are learning so much so quickly. The sun
is dying. The atom is reducible. The god-harnesses we thought we came with were just our tiny lungs.

Kaveh Akbar, from “Everything That Moves Is Alive and a Threat—a Reminder,” Calling a Wolf a Wolf

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