
i n f i n i t e u n i v e r s e

@scarlettwidows / scarlettwidows.tumblr.com

i'm falling, so i'm taking my time on my r i i i i i i i i i d e |-/

Vote 👏🏼 in 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 2018 👏🏼 Midterm 👏🏼 Elections 👏🏼




In case you missed it. FBI director James Comey, when called to testify in a public hearing to the House Intelligence Committee revealed two key pieces of information today. 

 1), the most obvious and expected announcement being that there never was any evidence of Obama wiretapping Trump. Not that anyone *really* needed this confirmed, but he was the last line of defense for the White House to continue on with this entire farce. But I obviously don’t expect him to ever come clean about lying or apologize to President Obama. 

 2) More importantly, Comey also revealed that the FBI has an actual ongoing criminal investigation into Trump/Russia connections. 


While Comey was writing letters about Hilary’s emails, the FBI was also investigating possible links between the Trump campaign and the Russian hack of the DNC. 

So just to reiterate, because this is new information, there is an ongoing FBI criminal investigation looking into possible links between the Trump Campaign and Russian hacks of the US election and attacking our nations democratic process.

In case you missed it


yes teenage girls can be dramatic and wild but honestly have u ever even seen what happens when u tell a grown man ‘no’


im thirsty af for

a healthy relationship with a significant other in which we both love and support each other and genuinely enjoy being in each others company


If you’re going to be attending a protest on the 20th, vet the people you’re going with. Make sure that everyone with you is known by at least one other person there. Fascists are going to work hard to get you and your crew arrested.

Some more good information for protesters, specifically those in DC:

  1. #Spread this information via social media or email. Get it out there. Let’s keep our protestors as safe as we can.
  2. * **Always assume a protest will become a riot.**
  3. * **Have no expectation your rights will be respected or that you will not be targeted.**
  4. * Assume that anything you do or say can and will be used as evidence against you, regardless whether it is legal.
  5. * **Carry sterile gauze, bandages, rubber gloves, and whatever other medical supplies you can comfortably carry.** Other protestors may need medical attention, and be unable to escape the police cordon to reach a hospital. If you have any medical experience, use red electrical tape to mark a large, clear cross on your person to let other protestors know you are capable of working as a medic. EMTs: Try to work in pairs. Have a system in place to contact one another for backup and assistance. Carry Walkie Talkies, not phones.
  6. * **If you are carrying a sign, make the handle out of stout wood or metal pipe that you can use to defend yourself if it becomes important to do so.** Make the sign easily removable so the handle can be swung, but not so easily removable that the handle is obviously a weapon. A sign made from stiff material with arm loops attached can be used as a shield once removed.
  7. * **Wear a leather or Kevlar jacket.** This will provide a small degree of protection from stabbing or impact.
  8. * **Wear gloves.** They will protect your hands from injury and prevent you from leaving fingerprints that could be used as evidence against you in the event a riot occurs.
  9. * **Wear or carry safety goggles.** If you are blinded by gas or projectiles, you become a sitting duck for violent members of both sides.
  10. * **Wear or carry a helmet.** Getting hit with rocks hurts. Getting hit with nightsticks hurts more.
  11. * **Do not stand near police lines or National Guard lines.** if you can help it. If they begin making arrests, those closest to them will be the first arrested. If they open fire, they’ll be the first to die.
  12. * **DO NOT TAKE YOUR CELL PHONE.** Purchase a prepaid flip phone in case of emergencies. They can be obtained for ten dollars at Best Buy or other electronics stores. Carry it with the battery REMOVED. Cell data can and will be used to track protestors. There will be multiple temporary towers set up around DC to triangulate cell phone locations.
  13. * **Do not open carry.** If violence breaks out, having a firearm makes you a target for lethal force.
  14. * **Do not wear a mask.** Carry a bandanna or something else that you can use to cover your face if you are gassed or need to hide, but do not carry anything that exists specifically for that purpose. If you do cover your face for any reason, assume that you will be arrested if captured. DC mask law is not your friend, and will be used as justification for arrests. The following is the relevant section of laws relating to masked protest in Washington DC.
  15. § 22-3312.03. Wearing hoods or masks. (a) No person or persons over 16 years of age, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, shall:
  16. (1) Enter upon, be, or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road highway, or other public way in the District of Columbia;
  17. (2) Enter upon, be, or appear upon or within the public property of the District of Columbia; or
  18. (3) Hold any manner of meeting or demonstration.
  19. (b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section apply only if the person was wearing the hood, mask, or other device:
  20. (1) With the intent to deprive any person or class of persons of equal protection of the law or of equal privileges and immunities under the law, or for the purpose of preventing or hindering the constituted authorities of the United States or the District of Columbia from giving or securing for all persons within the District of Columbia equal protection of the law;
  21. (2) With the intent, by force or threat of force, to injure, intimidate, or interfere with any person because of his or her exercise of any right secured by federal or District of Columbia laws, or to intimidate any person or any class of persons from exercising any right secured by federal or District of Columbia laws;
  22. (3) With the intent to intimidate, threaten, abuse, or harass any other person;
  23. (4) With the intent to cause another person to fear for his or her personal safety, or, where it is probable that reasonable persons will be put in fear for their personal safety by the defendant’s actions, with reckless disregard for that probability; or
  24. (5) While engaged in conduct prohibited by civil or criminal law, with the intent of avoiding identification.

please don’t let clif’s fandom movie exploit you

i’m so mad about this but basically mitch (clif’s brother) tweeted a thing yesterday asking for money–and it’s a lot of money–because (in the words of a friend) he’s “essentially bankrupted himself funding his inflated, badly-budgeted vanity project”. 

now i wouldn’t mind people donating if we were given a detailed breakdown of the expenses and a budget plan, but we’re not. according to mitch they need $200,000+ and for what? to get his roof fixed and mend his son’s car brakes? yeah okay. it’s inconceivable for a small indie project like this to need such a huge budget.

mitch is not a part of the spn crew or fandom he just happens to be the brother of the guy who provides security for the show’s two main stars. no one asked him and clif to make this movie and now they’re exploiting the sheer size of fandom for money to fund it. it’s like mitch has looked at this large, passionate group of people and said “haha i bet i can get $$$$ out of them by promising them a few cast interviews lol”.

i don’t want any faction of spn fandom to be exploited like that, but the worrying thing is that most of the people who will donate and have already donated (and i’m definitely not saying it’s everyone) are some of the most hateful and spiteful people in fandom who will use this opportunity to get even closer with clif than they already are and try and present misha/misha fans/destiel/destiel fans in a bad light. there has been controversy in the past about clif’s tendency to favour this group of fans and to take advantage of them (people have recently come out saying that clif offered them access to j2 in return for sexual favours).

as if all that wasn’t bad enough, people who have politely raised concerns with mitch on twitter have been blocked and ignored–which is definitely not professional or reassuring. they’re also now charging people to see the finished product on top of asking for all this money to make it, when originally it was supposed to be free.

if you want a documentary that will portray all aspects of fandom fairly, won’t exploit fans while doing it and has a much more modest and fully planned budget of $2,700 then please consider donating to dirtyovercoat’s project ‘wayward’. you can read all about it here where the creator explains in way more detail than the kostermans ever have about what the doc will involve and how the money will be spent.

also if you want more info on how gross and skeevy clif is and how sketchy this whole movie is, there’s some more stuff right here.

Signal boosting for everyone still unaware. Especially the last link shows some actual arguments that point out that there is something incredibly sketchy going on, and I don’t want people investing their money in a project that wasn’t thought out well and might never even be finished to begin with. 

Also very relevant to add, this post with actual links and sources that shows just how shady things are getting: [x]

Please take care of yourself and each other, and don’t throw your money into (what very much looks to be) a bottomless pit. 


my voice is almost gone and my hands are sore from drumming on the rails and clapping constantly and im overall exhausted but i want mORE just that feeling of just jumping and screaming and the lights going everywhere and being in a room full of people who understand too

i just love the last line, you explained it perfectly

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