“You’re in a relationship to be happy, to smile, to laugh, to make memories, to enjoy one another - and not to be constantly hurt and upset.”

— Unknown


Why the moon signs are dangerous

ARIES: They can say the most hurtful things that cut so deep and hurt your inner core
Taurus: Goes crazy gives the cruelest look at you makes you feel so bad about yourself
Gemini: Cuts you off like you never meant anything to them you no longer exist they’re completely numb now
Cancer: can make you feel so bad they’ll never let you forget what you did and how wrong you were
Leo: They make you feel so ignored you were completely nothing to them you’re now worthless to them now
Virgo: They know exactly what to say to hurt you they know exactly what to do to make you cry
Libra: They use their words to cut deep they make everyone hate you you’ll start believing every hurtful thing
Scorpio: They’re horrible they’ll want to see you go through pain they’ll do anything to make you suffer continuously
Sagittarius: They make you sound stupid they bilittle you and make you irrelevant
Aquarius: you’re a complete dumbass to them and they’re time is not wasted on you they’ll make you look stupid thinking you thought they cared
Pisces: You’re a horrible individual that’s what they make you feel like honestly you’re nothing to them now they get repulsed by you
Capricorn: They will literally drop you like you’re nothing you’re eliminated permanently from their life
*This is is more of what the moon signs feel or act like when someone hurts them how they’ll make you feel their reaction and feelings towards you
“Sometimes you pour your heart out and nothing comes back. Sometimes you pour your heart out and the world falls onto your lap. Keep trying.”

Other ways to say “I love you”:

i. My hands gravitate towards yours, fingers intertwine without trying, and lips touching without thinking.

ii. Whatever “soulmates” are, you are more than that to me.

iii. It’s as if I knew you from my past life, and how grateful I am to get the chance to meet you again in this one.

iv. Your heart is a black hole, the kind that pulls you into darkness with no way out, but the gravitational force is so great there is no escape for me, and even if scientists discovered a way out, I would never want to leave.

v. My heart was a barren field and you planted a bulb. You let me blossom and in time, I became a garden.

vi. All I see in your eyes are particles of eternity.

vii. Making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches becomes special when it’s with you.

viii. I was never afraid of death, but I’ve found myself more careful when crossing the street and walking home at late nights because I don’t want to miss anything.

Source: mingdliu.com
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