
Bandom Trash.

@chilstiel / chilstiel.tumblr.com

Bands :: fall out boy :: panic! :: tøp :: mcr :: green day :: paramore ::doctor who :: merlin :: spn :: btvs :: sherlock

The Houses as Bookworms

Gryffindor: absolutely adores books but still wishes they read more, takes really aesthetic book photos, doesn’t waste their time on a book they know they won’t like, pretty critical about book to movie adaptations, considers other people’s reviews before picking up a book, reads their books in class even when they probably shouldn’t, loves borrowing books from others
Hufflepuff: will plow through book after book and then not read for an entire month, attempts to organize books alphabetically or by colour but in the end just tries to squeeze them in anywhere, probably re-reads more old books than they read new books, only presents they want are books, may not finish books super quickly but loves them nonetheless
Ravenclaw: reads books at an alarming rate, can and will read on any form of transportation, wears glasses, instead of listening to music they’re actually listening to audio books, starts reading a good book but then gets distracted by another and completely forgets about the old one, usually critical of the protagonist.
Slytherin: attempts to read over 20 books at the same time, ships everything, loves it when they’re friends read a book that they recommend,they have to finish the whole series no matter what, gets defensive when someone doesn’t recognize them as a reader, wants to read all the books their friends have read so they can contribute their own opinions to discussions

i’m not like most girls [rips off sunglasses]… i like most girls


so this photo has a lot of meaning for me. the girl on the right is me. how i appear to be. the girl on the left is who i really am, behind the makeup, behind the lies. i put on such a show for people, but deep down i really care. this is the rea l me

I’m pretty sure that’s Shrek on the left

does it feel good when you say that


me: (has super negative thought)

me: thank you Captain Edge Lord can we please hear from someone else today

High School Fashion, 1969

What a trip.

Wow these photos are stunning

Some of these outfits are the raddest things I’ve ever seen.


Can we talk about the tights.


The existence of photos like these (and similar photos from the 70s and 80s and so on) makes me wonder yet again why current-day movies set in this time never seem to be able to get the hair and clothing right.

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