
through the eyes of a dreamer

@moonflowerlights-blog / moonflowerlights-blog.tumblr.com

artist, photographer, costumer, nerd. Feet in reality, head in a fantasy.


  1. Pokemon Red
  2. Pokemon Blue
  3. Pokemon Gold
  4. Pokemon Silver
  5. Pokemon Bronze
  6. Pokemon Red Fire
  7. Pokemon Grass Green
  8. Pokemon Ruby Tuesday
  9. Pokemon Safe Fire
  10. Pokemon A B C
  11. Pokemon X Y Z
  12. Pokemon Now I know my A B C’s
  13. Pokemon Dungeon Dice Monsters
  14. Pokemon The Last Airbender
  15. Pokemon of the Galaxy
  16. Pokemon Horror Story: Asylum
  17. Pokemon Horror Story: Coven
  18. Pokemon Horror Story: ….Coven 2
  19. Pokemon Ping Pong
  20. Pokemon Party 
  21. Pokemon Party 8
  22. PokeKart: Double Dash
  23. Pokemon Crunch Wrap Supreme 
  24. Pokemon Cross Dress
  25. Pokemon Fingerblast
  26. Pokemon Facebook Edition
  27. Pokemon Who?
  28. Castlevania 2: Simon’s Quest

LEAFGREEN not Grass Green

yes thank you. THAT’S the one game i needed to be corrected on.


Mated turtles share their shells!

Not always but often when a pair of turtles mates, the male will leave his own shell and move in with the female. After doing so the couple will coordinate their arm and leg movements to walk and even swim.

I call this “Trying to get notes with false facts.”

I assure you, Facts-I-Just-Made-Up would never post false facts just to get notes. I also do it to confuse, misinform, and hurt people.


I want to go to this exact point and run around it saying “I’m in Sweden!” I’m in Finland!” “I’m in Norway!” until I get tired

i aspire to great things in life


According to Google Maps, that point is in the middle of a small lake.


So we’ll do it in January when it’s frozen.

actually that’s why they’ve helpfully dropped a big-ass cement block with a bridge surrounding it in the middle of the lake: for the express purpose of doing what OP aspires to do

there’s so much beauty in the world.


I spent the last three days braiding my hair

It’s really long

Like, really fucking long

It’s been two months, time to take them out. Going to redo them next weekend!

9 hours and three women attacking my head later…

I’m ready to cosplay Thranduil now.

I’m ready for my vikings cosplay now.

bonus because i forgot to post my last ‘do

im a mermaid

a very sleepy mermaid

The last post attempt exploded but i fix

such long hair took three days AGAIN

neon pink, too hot to look at some times

the only good thing about this update is that now you’re forced to scroll though this long post of all my amazing hair

worth it



This was a saga of epic proportions, like a rainbow journey through hair

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